Friday, May 13, 2005


So Bill O'Reilly reported the other night on the O'Reilly Factor that US Tax Payers were going to be forking out about a BILLION DOLLARS a year for illegal immigrant's healthcare.
Let me make a couple of statements, and you can agree or disagree, but just hear me out.
First off, know that I am totally against socialism, but this sounds to me like if we are going to provide for the illegals, maybe we should provide for those that are actually PAYING for it? Seriously.
Secondly, I don't have health insurance, neither do my parents, or my siblings. We've gone most of our lives without it. We've survived. Does having Health Insurance cause you to go to the doctor more? Are we prone to the hypochondriac way of thinking because we can be? (I understand that with Cancer on the rise, etc, it is important to go to the doctor for checkups, but seriously, I know people that sniffle & they are there...Usually on my dime.)

With all of that being said, here are some interesting stats for all of you:
80% of all violent crimes in Arizona are committed by illegal aliens.
90% of all murders are committed by illegal aliens.
It costs the US Taxpayers about $1 Billion a year just in HEALTHCARE (this doesn't count the cost of incarceration for those mentioned above).
Most people that are here are working to send money back to family in Mexico. This equates to be about $17 Billion a year. (About $1.7 B is from AZ alone.)
-This is the second largest income for Mexico. (Explains why Vincente Fox is so adamant in pushing the guest worker program, huh?)

If we were to impose a remittance tax on the money sent via Western Union, etc (wired back to Mexico) of 8%- the same as sales tax in AZ- we would be able to pay for the programs that are imposed on by illegals.
Remember that preventative programs are always cheaper then social/welfare programs.

Just a little something to chew on this weekend...Keep it in the back of your mind, this election cycle is gonna be a doozy & you can bet this is going to be a huge issue for AZ, and other border states.

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