The newly appointed justices of the Supreme Court will face what may be one of their most heated cases to come.
Today the Supreme Court will look at the 2003 law passed by Congress to ban late term abortion, or "Partial Birth Abortion." Judges in California, New York & Nebraska claimed the law was unconstitutional & so the law never went into effect.
Opposition to the two newest members of the high court will of course be waiting for the law to be granted constitutional, because the Right to Life fight was among the top concerns for why these two conservative men should not be confirmed. When the case was heard before, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was the tie breaking vote, ending the fight at 4-5, although she was considered at one time to be a conservative appointment.
The federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act prohibits a certain type of abortion, generally carried out in the second or third trimester, in which a fetus is partially removed from the womb, and the skull is punctured or crushed.
It is beyond me why anyone would ever find it constitutional to take an unborn, yet still living child's life. Especially in this cruel & tortured form. I hope that the justices do what they feel is necessary & right and find that the late term abortion law is more than constitutional, but that it is needed.
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