Tuesday, February 27, 2007

**BLANK** for President in 2008?!

It seems that every time I turn on the news, read the paper or listen to the radio, we as a nation have become all consumed with the 2008 elections. In 2004 we were told that it was the biggest election of our generation. I feel that now, EVERY election will be the election of a lifetime.
Candidates are spending idiotic amounts of money to reach voters who probably made up their mind without seeing their million dollar commercial. (at least, in a perfect world an intelligent decision wouldn't be made by such ridiculous standards)
Because I work in the political/fundraising field, I have the opportunity to speak to people across the nation about different issues that may or may not concern voters on election day. I find it hysterical to peruse periodicals and listen to people discuss issues as if the political atmosphere of today's world hangs solely on ONE issue.
I understand that we all have issues that are important to us. I understand that while national security and lower taxes are my two main issues, yours may be more along a social cause; such as marriage (& who has & does not have the right to marry) & abortion.
The fact of the matter is though, as a conservative, I simply cannot stomach the thought of having a Clinton in the White House. I cannot stand the thought of the Democrats having control of Congress and the Executive branch simultaneously.
It angers me when I hear conservatives babble on about how they wouldn't vote for Giuliani in a million years because he's "too liberal"- or how McCain isn't "pro-life enough" or how Romney is "Mormon". Let's get real. Let's look at the facts.
When Bill & Hill took to the White House they wanted (& publicly stated) that 2000 MORE abortion clinics would be opened by the time they left office in 2000. They decorated the White House Christmas tree with condoms to promote safe sex. Can you see Giuliani disgracing the home of great leaders in such a way, or promising such a thing? McCain's voting record since the beginning of his senate career has been pro-life. How can you not be "pro-life enough" with a zero rating from Planned Parenthood & NARAL? Mitt's a mo. So what. Let's move on. His great grandfather practiced polygamy? My mother is a whore. I shouldn't be judged for her issues, he shouldn't be judged for the plights of his ancestors.
It seems that conservatives don't have enough to bitch about these days. They are unhappy with President Bush. We didn't keep control of Congress, probably because people are tired of career politicians that lie & pander, then flip-flop once they've got your vote. Miraculously though, the "Perfect" candidate is going to appear just in time to save the GOP & the rest of America from the wrath of Hillary? I'm failing to see the logic here.
Why don't we look at it in a pro vs con sort of way.
Hillary: radical judges, problematic scandals that have plagued her since she married Bill, repealing the Bush tax cuts, raising other taxes to pay for her proposed health care, anti-life semitism
Any of the [viable] GOP Candidates: pro-life (or at least apathetic about the issue enough to steer clear of pissing off the base), pro-family values (so Rudy's had a few wives, I've known Pastors who have had more...), pro-military/national security, LOWER taxes

Several of the dem noms have already stated that they will repeal the Bush tax cuts & set into motion new ways to pay for the health care plans they are all touting. Who's going to pay for this? The rich. The problem? Every democrat has a different view of that line between rich & middle class. When do I cross over from middle class to living extremely well? Your guess is as good as mine...I don't know about you, but I'm not really ready to find out though!

I think that if conservatives don't pull their heads out of their idealistic asses soon enough, we're going to be facing another 1996 campaign. Do we vote for the "Dole" candidate, whom no one was overly excited about, or do we keep Clinton, who's obviously plagued by controversy & scandal? Get excited about something in a candidate. Is he your perfect choice? Probably not, but you know what? I'd rather have a moderate Republican than a Clinton any day...

PS - I read the latest Zogby Poll. It looks as if McCain & Giuliani can both beat out Clinton (as of now), our weakness might just be this Obama kid...let's hope him & the hag have it out enough that they kill each other on the evening news. The Republican Party's best hope for winning this election could come in the form of a lackluster attorney from North Carolina... Stay tuned folks!

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