Saturday, November 10, 2007

Issues that Matter to Young Voters

In a poll done around this time last year the top three issues (for voters ages 18-30) were as follows:

  • Economy
  • Education
  • Iraq
The far, far right would have you believe that most important issue is the LIFE issue. The far, far left would have you believe that the most important issue is the environment. Am I to believe that the great two party system is out of touch with young voters? Because I do more and more every day.

When are both sides going to understand that those issues, while valid & important, are not what decides the election? The far right & the far left basically cancel each other out. In the end, the ones who are considered moderate or independent are the votes that decide on election night who will lead us for years to come.

Granted, in 2004 George W. Bush won with phenomenal numbers, but that's mostly because the country wasn't comfortable with a post-9/11 world being lead by John Kerry. Yes, the far right turned out in amazing numbers, but lets not forget that the far left has turned out in record numbers for their own as well (ie: Bill Clinton).
Why do you think the Clinton's run as moderates? Because they know that is how they will win elections.
I am so sick & tired of hearing about how so & so is the "true" conservative candidate. Based solely on their "pro-life" voting record? Great, Good for them. I am ecstatic that those people are 100% pro-life. But that issue alone doesn't win you a seat. Or the White House.
It takes more than that. It takes real, honest understanding of issues. It takes a drive to see our nation thrive & be what it once was...the envy of other nations for being the nation that was wealthy and blessed beyond belief. It also takes the character to reach across the aisle from time to time & work with the other side, because frankly, that's how you get the job done.
Ronald Reagan was capable of it. But all of the sudden anyone who does that in this day and age (a mere 25 years later) is considered a traitor.

I would like to see the Republican Party return to its roots. Let's be concerned with keeping our nation safe, our economy strong (& taxes low), as well as protecting the Constitution.
(a little side note for all of you, when our forefathers built our great nation, judges weren't supposed to be deciding things like the abortion issue, they were supposed to allow the states & the people to decide. They were supposed to interpret the law. Both sides of the table need Roe v Wade to keep their base motivated & voting. What a sad world we live in)

Remember Barry Goldwater, our great Senator from Arizona?
He was for lower taxes, protecting our country & upholding the constitution. He never believed abortion was a decision for the courts. It was a STATES issue. I want to see that kind of man lead our country. One who believes in LESS government & more freedom. What a better place this world would have been had he won in 1964.

Let's stop talking about the *Reagan Revolution. The Reagan Revolution brought us Jerry Falwell & other intolerant hypocrates who had no use for people with a different opinion and didn't show God's love or mercy, but only cared for what notorioty they would gain. Ministers who use their pulpits to spit words of hate should carefully reconsider why they accepted the call in the first place.

Its 2007, let's start talking about the REAL issues, the REAL voters, and how we can make a difference and win 2008.

*For those of you offended by my comments on the Reagan Revolution, it was meant in no disrespect. I once told my father at the age of 4 that I was going to name my son Ronald. I have nothing but love & respect for President Reagan, may he rest in peace, but I wholeheartedly believe it is time to stop focusing on who we had as a leader, at a time when the world was VERY, VERY different, and we step up & decide who we will have lead the new generation, in our new world where we have even greater threats than the Cold War ever was.

Remember, only 6 short years ago our Nation's Capitol & NYC were attacked in a vicious, horrible way. Shall we repeat that because we can't unite to elect a candidate that can beat Hillary & keep us safe, as a nation?

Wake up & smell the coffee America. Before it's your hometown that's attacked.


Unknown said...

First time ever responding to a blog. I couldn't agree more. I am 100% pro-life. But that doesn't over shadow the rest of my beliefs. I dont have your flare for writing. but I believe what you wrote is a blueprint for saving our party.

Lisa Kerr said...

I totally agree that the far, far left and the far, far right are further from the heart of young voters than ever before. I think young people are tired of all the bickering and the hatred between the parties. It's such propaganda these days and it makes young adults sick of the system. I wish there were some politicians who just had the guts to stand up for what's right and good for us. I want to see people helped out, but I don't want a huge, socialist government. I want religious freedom, but I don't want to be afraid of our history either. I want people to stand up for their morals, but I don't want to see a person be voted in or out just because the abortion issue--hello there are a lot of other things to be considered.

I think we could use a lot of reform in both the democrat and republican party. And maybe someone could grow a brain and do something about what really matters in our nation--the economy and education and other issues.

And I'm sorry, but if I see one more "green" commercial I'm going to puke. Since when are we all of a sudden so concerned with our earth that Morgan Freeman has to make commercials and bash us for being human? And since when does Al Gore win a Nobel Peace Prize instead of the scientific team that actually HAS brains and did the research? And truly, Matt Lauer do you have to camp out at the melting glacier up there? Truly I think maybe you should camp out in Africa and help out some impoverished people dying of the AIDS epidemic.

thelovelyval said...

vote for Giuiliani or McCain. They are the only candidates worth our time...

Ace said...

I think it's sort of sad that a Congressional address by a French President was one of the most cogent testiments of America's greatness I've heard in quite some time.

In a few days I will file my application to become an American citizen, leaving behind a home country that long ago abdicated its noble values in favor of big government and the whims of smug socialists. I only hope my adopted home doesn't follow the same path...