Sunday, February 17, 2008

A House Divided Will Not Stand

To the Esteemed Members of our Republican Party;

Over the last few years I have had the chance to observe our party from the inside, and I have come to the conclusion that most everyone involved is in this, not for the good of our party, and not to see Republicans elected, but for their own egos, circumstances and to see only candidates they themselves deem worthy.

In the most recent case, John McCain has all but become our official nominee. His momentum is building and he is gaining strength throughout every state. Republicans that we all look up to like Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman, Tony Snow, George Allen, Tom Coburn, Ed Gillespie, & even George HW Bush are standing behind McCain and his bid for the White House. The White House has told their staff to be supportive of the McCain campaign and to stand in line with him. The Republican National Committee is prepairing to help defeat the Democrat nominee, whomever they might be, and yet, as Republicans, you all cannot agree to stand behind the nominee we already have.

Everyone is remenicent of an earlier candidate, or other Presidents. I would like to remind everyone that the VOTERS have spoken. Across this great nation of ours, John McCain's momentum was building from the very beginning of this year's caucus and primary season. It was not Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, or Rudy Giuliani who continued to gain voters in every state; it was John McCain.

Mitt Romney even had the sense that Senator McCain's campaign is a force to be reckoned with and he stood down to allow his (McCain) Presidential Campaign to continue to build & strengthen. With the recent endorsement & urging to past supporters of Romney's to support McCain, as was done with Giuliani, I am wondering why I have to ask where you all stand? You see, I know where many of you stand. And, to be honest, that is quite disheartening.

As Republicans committed to defending the freedoms of our country, NO ONE should know your personal position on McCain's policies, other the fact that you believe McCain is the man for the job. Infighting, moaning about our nominee not being "a true conservative" does not build party morale, or strengthen relationships.I think it would be wise to remember that we do not win elections by simply telling people to go vote. There is leg work (and a lot of it) required. By the sweat of our brow we must work TOGETHER to see our nominee win the White House this November.

I am curious to know how standing down is helping our cause? When you tear down our candidate, you tear down not only our party & leadership, but you demoralize the VOTERS that made McCain our nominee. Are we truly FOR the PEOPLE? Or is this something that we say in public, but behind closed doors we feel that we are ENTITLED to something greater than what we have?

Who are we that we can speak for those that have done their civic duty & gone to their caucus locations & their polling places and cast their ballot for John McCain? I understand that many of you supported other candidates in the beginning of this election. But, this should not be done in public where volunteers and Republican FootSoldiers can be made aware. You see, we NEED them DESPERATELY this election cycle. We cannot afford to demoralize our candidate, because in the eyes of the volunteers, they need to know they are working for something they believe in; if their own party officials do not believe in the candidate, why should they work so hard & desperately for him, giving up their lives to do this awesome & mighty deed?

In my positions with the NRP & Right to Life, I depended heavily on my core volunteers. Had I ever said to a supporter that I didnt really care, I didnt support a candidate that I was working for, or anything along those lines, I would have surely lost 99% of those people to dispair & hopelessness. I would rather work with someone who is as passionate as I am, and sees the light at the end of the tunnel than a pessimist. I would rather work with someone who encourages me to stand behind our party & our ideals, even when differences arise, because we are the party of TRUE HOPE for our nation & our children.

I urge you not to fall into the trap of being apathetic. Stand up, be counted, make a difference, and for once, PLEASE, consider John McCain as our best option, the best man for the job & put your own thoughts and feelings aside.

"Wouldn't you rather have President McCain who you disagree with 20% of the time, rather than President Obama or President Clinton you disagree with 90% of the time?" ---Tony Snow Thank you for allowing me to air my grievances.

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