Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Two Americas

So I think if we all try really hard, we can remember back to 2004 - Remember John Edwards "Two Americas" speech? One America was the hard working miners & workers in the saw mills & union dues paying folks. And the other, those evil, greedy, wealthy Americans. You know the types...so often the media portrays them as Republicans. (But if you really look closely, the ambulance chaser, Edwards, was one of those too)

Well, now we've had THREE appointees to the Obama administration come under fire for their tax issues. Mostly the fact that they never paid their taxes and penalties, not until it was absolutely necessary. After all, who was going to know? No one. Not until the vetting process began for their Senate confirmation.

Not to mention the fact that Charlie Rangel (D-NY) also is under the microscope for his lack of "rendering to Caesar what is Caesars" - Bill Richards is under investigation for corruption charges. Daschle had a personal car & driver that he didn't claim on taxes. Gaithner didn't pay his self-employment taxes. Nancy Killefer didn't pay into unemployment for her housekeeper.

It seems to me that these Democrats who are "for the people" have lost touch with the people.
The last time I checked, I have to pay my taxes. I don't have a chauffeur. I don't have a housekeeper. Or a nanny.

I know that on April 15th my taxes better be in order.
I know how to correctly use Turbo Tax, and I'm not being considered for a position within the Administration, not even as a Schedule C appointee.

So why is it that these so called "leaders" are allowed to live by a different set of rules? Fact of the matter is, President Obama is saying that he can't allow it to look as if there is a different set of rules for the American people, but as far as I'm concerned, with the confirmation of Timothy Gaithner, it already does.


Anonymous said...

I think the message of your blog is somewhat glib because the underlying tone and implication therein is one of partisan anger against the Democratic party.

In reality, the Republican party as harbored its fair share of corrupt, morally base individuals and said individuals have stated the same hypocritical rhetoric of being a "populist fighter for the people against the debilitating grasp of the avaricious plutocrat'. It is not effective to be so delightfully glib in such an instance.

The reality is that the majority of those in our government are aristocratic people of high birth and pedigree and are out of touch with the american people. If they were not so woefully unprepared to deal with the plight of the American people by virtue of pure social difference alone, they would be satisfied to continue to fill their coffers by passing legislation which is advantageous only to those interest groups with the largest amount of money to spend and not for the average American.

To claim either political party is or has been hitherto this point in history effective in the area of distributing social justice at the expense of powerful capitalists is to prove your ignorance to the true nature of the plutocracy in which we actually live.

It seems your post does just this, honestly. You seem to chastise the democrats for being out of touch with the people while subtly implying that the Republican political leaders of these United States are now or have ever been good, down-home people with a greater sense of propriety and civic duty. Do you know what happens when Mr.Smith goes to Washington? Hypothetical scenario, as it never occurs and never will: Mr.Smith goes to Washington with good intentions for sweeping reforms, does not take financial "compensation" for making choices that are not in the best interests of the American people and subsequently gets strong armed by every other individual in the government with deeply rooted ties to corporate interests and is therefore seen by his mostly ignorant constituency as being ineffectual and is voted out of office, probably in favor of another puppet.

It is not the fault of one or another political party. It is the fault of a system which is inherently corrupt and designed to protect the interests of the elite while simultaneously providing the masses with only enough to keep them from the armed rebellion which would be so devestating to the lives of selfish, greedy capitalist slave-drivers.

thelovelyval said...

I can be as "glib" as I'd like to be, "anonymous" for 2 reasons, 1, this is my blog and 2, I've never pretended to be non-partisan. I've also NEVER said Republicans are perfect. If you've ever read any number of my other posts, I've called Republicans out with the greatest of ease when I feel they are wrong as well.
However, I disagree 99.9% of the time with the Democrat party.
So lets agree to disagree.
I think the Democrats are MORE corrupt than Republicans.

So, if that makes me insincere in your eyes, thats merely an opinion. I feel I am quite sincere in my feelings, and do try to look objectively at various situations.

But, agree to disagree, i guess.

Rightwoman said...

I actually like your style. it's conversational and quite direct. Most blogs read either like a bad textbook or a grocery list. Keep up the good work.