Thursday, October 28, 2004

Five Days to Victory...

Okay, so here's where the campaign stands as of right now. (A Re-Cap for those of you living under a ROCK!)
There are 10 Target (Battleground) states in the election this year. Each state is chosen for many different reasons. One way is how many electoral votes the states have ( , another is the percentage of votes that went to Al Gore or George W. Bush in the 2000 election.
A Quick Breakdown for You (
Bush 48/ Kerry 46/ Nader 1 (I still am shocked and amazed that Nader can get a whole 1% of the vote).
The Electoral Vote as of now stands at 232 Bush to 207 Kerry (HECK YES!). With 10 Battleground states, and the BIG ones leaning towards Bush, I see a light at the end of the tunnel...The angels are singing "HALLELUJAH!"
I leave you with these parting words. In 2000, Bush lost the state of New Mexico by 187 votes. EVERY VOTE COUNTS.

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