Saturday, October 30, 2004

Can't We All Just Get Along?

With only three days left to go in the campaign you would think that Republicans would be united. ESPECIALLY those working towards the same cause. Unfortunately I have seen more chaos within our party in these past few weeks than I have in my whole life.
Everyone is out for their own career and their own self gratification. I have never encountered so many people that think that they are God's gift to the Earth, the Republican Party or to the President himself. (It also amazes me that so many people think that if they call ME I will directly talk to President Bush about what Mrs. Jones or Mr. Smith think we should be doing differently within the campaign. Yeah, sure, I'll get right on that, as soon as Karl Rove & Ken Mehlman leave the oval office I will go ahead & march myself in there & get that policy changed!)
Anyway, I said all of that to say, its time for Republicans & Democrats for Bush to stand up & unite. We are all working towards the same prize. Another four years. A sure way to get Kerry in the White House (Ugh, those words in the same sentence make me sick), is to continue down this road of selfishness, caring only that we look good, instead of making the President look GREAT.
Remember, 3 days left. Vote your conscience. Vote the Issues. Vote for W.

1 comment:

Jen said...

First of all, Vote for W. Second I love reading your blog. Val, you are fabulous and I couldn't imagine this experience without you.