Thursday, November 04, 2004


Okay, so it's finally over and after all is said & done, W is STILL the President.
I put blood, sweat & tears into this campaign, and it is finally over. I have to say that it is some what anti-climactic. I mean, after everything it is all over.
I want to say thank you to every person who gave up and sacrificed something to make sure our President was re-elected. I am so overwhelmed by the amount of people that took time off of work to come out and walk precincts and make phone calls to constituents. The grassroots efforts were amazing, and we could not have won this state, or any state without the volunteers. Especially the ones who came in early in the morning and stayed late into the night. The women who never saw their husbands, and the children that stayed in the lobby and put together yard signs while their parents made calls. The husbands giving up their hot meals and clean socks so their wives could come down to help do data entry & schedule poll watchers, or anything else we may have asked for. It brings tears to my eyes when I think of how many sacrificed and that they were so ready and willing to do so, never even blinking an eye when we asked them to do some of the most ridiculous and most tedious tasks possible.
I cannot say it enough, THANK YOU. There are no words that can express the way that I feel about the people that I met during my time here in Nevada. You all were a GREAT help to me, and to our President. Take care and keep in touch.

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