Friday, November 05, 2004

Don't Like America? Move to France...

Well, I was watching the news tonight & I heard the remark that there are American's that can't stand President Bush so much that they would leave for Canada. Well, personally, if that's your feeling, please go.
I was NOT a fan of Bill Clinton, and I have my issues with many politicians, but I believe that if we as an American people elect these leaders, we must live with them. I also believe that we live in the greatest country in the world. The country that allows you to openly hate others without oppression. In fact, those of us that are on the Right are more oppressed, even though we are the majority, more than the left wing minority.
If you hate freedom, and you want to leave, no one is stopping you.

1 comment:

Ace said...

I did this, only in reverse. I fled Canada 6 years ago for the greener, freer pastures of America. I was sick and tired of being regarded as a pariah because I was ... *gasp* ... a conservative. I've lost some friends over my decision, and there are some in my family who think I'm some sort of traitor for leaving, but that's the sort of pettiness I wished to leave behind in the first place.