Thursday, March 24, 2005

Finally, Canada Does Something Right

Canadian officials finally passed along a ruling on the Jeremy Hinzman case. If you aren't familiar with this loser, take a look at his own website:
He didn't want to go to war in Iraq, although he signed up for the Army & was stationed at Fort Bragg in 2001. He claims that he was brainwashed into joining the army, with promises of a better life and more security. Sorry, pal, but just because you thought joining the Army was going to be a cake walk & a free check doesn't mean that the poor Canadians should have to put up with you.
The Immigration and Refugee Board stated that Mr. Hinzman had not made a convincing or sufficient claim that he was persecuted in America. "Removal to the U.S. would not subject them personally to a risk to their lives or to a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment," the board decided. "There are no substantial grounds to believe that their removal to the U.S. will subject them personally to a danger of torture."
Finally, Canada gets it right.
When asked what would happen to him if forced to return to the US, Jeremy states, "I would go to jail if forced to return to the US. And the U.S. does have a law that states that deserters can, in a time of war, be subject to the death penalty. Although I say it is unlikely, the Bush administration is known to set precedents, so I wouldn't put anything past them." Maybe in this case, this wouldn't be a bad precedent to set?
Maybe Hinzman went about this all the wrong way. He should have asked Bill Clinton for help, then, in a few years, he can run for President.

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