On the morning of September 11th, I was awakened by Carolyn to hear, "Val, we've been attacked."In a groggy haze of confusion, I stumbled out of bed & to the door and said, "What? What are you talking about?"
"A plane hit the tower..."
We watched the second plane hit moments later. I sat there...waiting, watching, crying. Not knowing what to say. Not knowing what to do.
As I sat in the movie theater tonight, I felt the same emotion come over me.Almost 5 years later, and it still doesn't feel real. I can't imagine someone, anyone having as much hate for the United States, as those terrorists did...DO...
Watching mothers call children & husbands call wives. Hearing the infectuous, yet silent roar of "the Lords Prayer" being said, seconds before the brave passengers charged faithfully toward their demise.Hearing one man state, "We are going to die anyway, we might as well do whatever we can." -Going down still fighting.
Would I keep fighting until the end? or would I give up?
September 11, 2001 united the nation in a way that's never been seen. Neighbors took the time to speak. Parents took the time to listen. People took the time to pray.To think that we are hated because we can love, live and speak freely is a hard truth to face. We do not understand it, because we have never known it. There are some that face this truth everyday. If they try to live the way that we do, they are mamed or murdered.
To watch the people re-enact their part in the day, and the events brought on a feeling of courage and strength. To live through September 11, although still on the ground, yet playing an important role in the Command Towers, and then to turn around & have to do again...Could you relive the worst day of your life so that others may know exactly what happened?
For once, I am proud to say, this movie was not politicized, from what I can tell. There was no left view or right swing. It was simply the story of what happened to those people that layed down their lives to save the lives of hundreds of others. They didn't go quietly.Can you imagine? The Nation's Capitol...the very place that stands for our freedom, that gives us the right to tell this story again, may have been wiped out in moments...
Take a moment to remember how blessed we are. Then take a moment to pray for the families of those who lost on that fateful day.It may have been five years ago, but the pain is probably just as sharp today as it was then for those who lost.
Never forget -support those who fight for your freedom.Realize that there are people who are just now gaining the right to pray as they wish, and speak to whom they choose. Thank God for your rights as an American, and remember that there are those that would love to be in your shoes, no matter how bad you may think you've got it.
Memorable Quotes: September 11, 2001

1 comment:
To think, in this post 9/11 era, there are American jurors who have the temerity to spare Zacarias Moussaoui the death penalty because he had a rough childhood.
Lest we forget...
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