Monday, December 18, 2006

2006 in Review

I just realized that I was pretty non-existent in the "blog" world this year. -My apologies for that. I'll send out an update and sort of teeter on about a few issues that no one but myself and a handful of other people probably care about.

I started many different jobs and was unhappy at them all. So I quit.
Someone told me a few weeks ago that I am a terrible person for being so indecisive in my career. I told them that they had it all wrong. If I was indecisive, I'd still be at the same job I started at this time last year, and I'd still be miserable. Life is short. Why be miserable at the one place you spend the majority of your time? My bills are paid. My dog is fed. No one can talk about me being irresponsible, as I cover my own ass.
I've stopped playing it safe. I don't stay somewhere because its what I "should" do. I am not friends with people because I always have been. I don't follow along like a good little girl anymore. I've learned to question authority, when appropriate and to question myself. I've learned to stand up for myself & realize my own value. If you don't value me, I don't have time for you. (It's something I wish I could teach all young women to do. Its a shame I didn't learn until I was 25!)
I've found myself tossing out careers and other bits of my past. Things that hold no bearing on who I will be in a year. Things that don't shape me, and I do not shape them.
Finding that I cannot for the life of me, be as juvenile and naive about friendships and relationships as I once was. Liars and cheaters, backstabbers and the likes hold no place in my circle. Honesty is the best policy. If you can't be honest with me, you either don't trust me or are hiding something, which leads me to believe we shouldn't be friends anyway.
I have discovered a lot about myself, and am continuously learning. But that's life. Life is a journey. If you've gotten to the end of your journey of discovery and you've nothing left to learn about yourself or others, then why continue to live anyway?

1 comment:

Mal said...

Hello there - remember me? -smile-

I was just looking over my blog - realized it's been over a year since I posted anything on it. I guess we fell through the cracks about the same time.

Good time to make a resolution to keep it up a little better, eh?

Maybe we can keep each other accountable...
