Friday, November 07, 2008

Fight On, Americans

On Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 an historical thing happened in our great nation.
The American people have spoken, and it is clear that we will have our nation's first ever "African-American" president.

Anyone who knows me, knows that President-Elect Barack Obama was no where near close to my ideal candidate. It is not because he is black, and it is not because I fear change.
It is because I fear the type of change that this man wants to bring to our country.

In the current economic times, we need someone who believes in hard work, prosperity and job creation. Instead, we see a man before us who believes in redistribution of wealth, bankrupting the coal industry, and who has made it quite clear that he wants to bring socialism to our Great Nation.

How can we live in a country that relies heavily on the coal industry, and have many states within our union that has a main source of economic strength from the coal industry, yet have a President-Elect who believes it is within our nations best interest to put these mines out of business?

How can we live day to day, striving toward & working on achieving the "American Dream", yet we have a President-Elect who wants to take that away.
We teach our children to work hard, and one day they will become something they could only imagine in their wildest dreams. We teach our children it is better to work hard for something, rather than to steal it. We teach our children that anything is possible when we put our minds to it.

I ask then, why should I work hard when I now will be paying for someone else to raise their family? Why should I work hard when I will be paying for someone else's health care?
Why have I taught my children the value of working hard, when we have a man in the highest position in the land who is going to teach them that we punish those who work hard by redistributing their hard earned money?

Its very simple. There is nothing that can be done now about this election.
I am hoping we all can look back and say that we did our best, and tried our hardest and worked fervently for the cause that was greater than ourselves.

I ask that each of us pray for our country, and our newly elected leaders. Just as we would have done if John McCain were elected.
Pray that we do not see two new Supreme Court Justices seated during this Presidency.
Pray that we do not give up on the War on Terror, or on our soldiers in harms way.

As Americans we must continue to fight on. Hold your head up.
We may have lost the battle, but we WILL win the war.
Victory in 2010. Let's get rid of Harry Reid.

Onto 2012.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

You Have to Wonder

I have to wonder lately what my local politicians are thinking...and feeling.
My current congressman (I say current, because as of late I believe he will be former come November 5th) is on a liberal streak of voting. If the conservative base is against it, he votes for it.
The Farm Bill, that subsidizes farmers to NOT grow food, while food prices are on the rise, my congressman voted for it. Then, as an additional slap in the face, he voted to over-ride the President's veto.
The "energy" bill touted by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi; you know the allowed us to drill in places where there is no oil. Thus being the NON-Energy bill. Yup, my congressman from CD 3 voted for that too.
The $700 Billion bailout bill that everyone knew wouldn't help out the economy, he voted for that, too. Even after House democrats resorted to mudslinging and name calling like a bunch of children on the playground, he kept his "Yes" vote.
He has brought millions of dollars back home to Nevada - however, was it worth it? The special interest money, the earmarks that were unnecessary and unwanted...
My congressman dismisses the ideas and opinions of his constituents, and allows his campaign and office staff to do the same.
I have to wonder where his head is.
I have to wonder where his heart is.
I have come to the conclusion that Jon Porter no longer wants to serve his country, or serve the people that put him in office. He only wants to serve himself.

While I do NOT want to see Titus in office, I am beginning to wonder if the two are the same...

Friday, October 03, 2008

Debate Slip Ups...Caught on Camera

Please see the McCain campaign's response to Joe Biden's debate performance last night.

"Joe Biden graduated from his trademark verbal gaffe to outright lie in tonight's debate. Each time Senator Biden was on his heels, he looked directly into the camera and lied -- more than a dozen times by our count. He lied about John McCain's record, his own record, and Barack Obama's dangerous policies. Governor Palin showed the American people tonight why a McCain-Palin Administration will bring real reform, leadership, and straight talk to Washington." --Tucker Bounds, spokesmanMcCain-Palin 2008


1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted "the exact same way" as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOTVOTE THAT WAY.

2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.

3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, "Drill we must." But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to"raping" the Outer Continental Shelf."

4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it's passage.

5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he's always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coalplants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.

6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain's record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.

7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes onpeople's health insurance coverage -- they get a tax credit to offsetany tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack isfalse

8. OIL TAXES: Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.

9. AFGHANISTAN / GEN. MCKIERNAN COMMENTS: Biden said that top military commander in Iraq said the principles of the surge could not be applied to Afghanistan, but the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force Gen. David D. McKiernan said that there were principles of the surge strategy, including working with tribes, that could be applied in Afghanistan.

10. REGULATION: Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.

11. IRAQ: Joe Biden lied when he said that John McCain was "deadwrong on Iraq", because Joe Biden shared the same vote to authorize the war and differed on the surge strategy where John McCain has been proven right.

12. TAX INCREASES: Biden said Americans earning less than $250,000 wouldn't see higher taxes, but the Obama-Biden tax plan would raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more.

13. BAILOUT: Biden said the economic rescue legislation matches the four principles that Obama laid out, but in reality it doesn't meet two of the four principles that Obama outlined on Sept. 19, which were that it include an emergency economic stimulus package, and that it be part of "a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20."

14. REAGAN TAX RATES: Biden is wrong in saying that under Obama,Americans won't pay any more in taxes then they did under Reagan.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Its Not the Great Depression...Yet

I have been watching a lot of the news lately. More-so than usual. Mostly because I want to see what "analysts" are saying about our current economic situations.
I find it interesting that everyone is predicting doom and gloom, when two short years ago we were the most prosperous nation on Earth.

We need to remember that we are Americans. We've had tough times before. If our great grandfathers & great-great grandfathers could make it out of the Great Depression, then why can't we make it out of a drop in the markets?

We haven't reached that time in our current day where we have hit the Great Depression. Yes, we are in grave danger of a depression. We are not out of the woods on that yet, however, keep your chin up, America.

A friend's mom sent this to me, and I think everyone should read it. And after you've read it, read it again. And then forward it to a friend, or eighty.
"Through the 200 years of American history, this country has been constantly besieged by bad news. If the early settlers believed things were as bad as they sounded they would have given up the fight to settle the new world and sailed back to England, and the dream of freedom would have perished.

From that day to the present, the people of this nation have listened to the bad news for a while, then they turned their backs on that which was bad, placed their faith in God and faced toward that which was good.

Down through the years, through tragic civil war, two world-wide wards, a series of smaller conflicts, recession and the great depression of the 1930's, we have heard again and again the words of Citizen Tom Paine, "These are the times that try mens' souls." in every case the people rejected the bad news and overcame whatever obstacle was facing them at that time.

Once again, we are put to the test. Everything we hear is bad. we are smothered with a never-ending succession of newspaper, radio and television reports on Watergate, drug abuse, crime in the streets, decadent morals and lack of honest and competent leadership. If Citizen Tom Paine were alive today, he could well utter again his famous quotation.

It is impossible to lock your door against the invasion of the news media into every nook of your home and office. They dont make the news, they merely report it (obviously MSNBC wasnt around then ;o) -but I digress). Tell it as it is. We have the option of acceptance or rejection. We can bemoan what is happening in our world, wring our hands and cover our heads, or we can reject the bad and look about us to the good.

When I was a boy on a small farm in Grant County, news wasnt as quickly available as it is today and reached us mainly by word of mouth. A "drummer" would come by or one of our neighbors returned from a trip to Little Rock or Memphis and we saw the news through tehir eyes. Mostly it was about what was bad in the big cities or throughout the country.

After listening a while, my father would say, "That's enough bad news for one day. Let's go to work." America has heard enough bad news for a while. Now is the time to go to work. Turn your back on the bad news and look around you at what is good. You don't need to look very fa. Your family, your children, your friends and neighbors, they are good.

We live today in the greatest country the world has ever known, filled with opportunities which never existed before. The highest standards of living, more leisure time, better health services, better schools, more ojbs, finer homes and freedom to enjoy these wonders.

This is indeed the time to turn our backs on the bad news and face the future with thankfulness.

W.R. "Witt" Stephens
** Mr. Witt sent this memo out after "Black Friday, October 1987" his wisdom and good advice lives on. for more information on Mr. Stephens life.

Monday, September 29, 2008

No Time for Partisan Politics

Pelosi asked in a floor speech shortly before the vote. "It is a number that is staggering, but tells us only the costs of the Bush administration's failed economic policies — policies built on budgetary recklessness, on an anything goes mentality, with no regulation, no supervision and no discipline in the system." about the $700 Billion bail out.
At this time, we cannot afford petty name calling. I expect more from my leaders, I expect more from those running my country.
I am absolutely disgusted right now.
As far as I am concerned, the Clinton administration, greedy oil speculators, and unscrupulous Wall Street big wigs are at fault. The economy has taken a serious down turn in the last 2 years since the Democrats have taken over congress we have seen a rise in oil prices, a drop in housing values and I cannot believe the audacity of Nancy Pelosi & Rep Barney Frank to blame Republicans.
We can point the finger all we want, but that is not going to save our economy.
I suggest we all call, email or fax not only OUR congressmen, but also House leaders to let them know how unhappy we are as Americans and that we want PARTISAN POLITICS LEFT OUT OF THIS. I dont care where Barack Obama or John McCain stand on this. Something's gotta be done, and without the name calling. (search for your Representative)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stay Classy, Liberals...Wait, is That an Oxy Moron?

So, in an attempt to, funny? Some jackass made up a tshirt that says "[word i will NOT use] republican babies for Palin"
Google the last part of the phrase in quotes, if you must, to see what exactly i'm talking about. -Although if you know what I'm talking about, please don't. These A HOLES don't need anymore website hits.
Where is the media outrage over this? The only people talking about how disgusting this is are the conservative pundits. Shouldn't EVERY American be outraged by this? Are we taking steps backwards into years ago when it was socially acceptable to make fun of those who have handicaps?
I am in NO way a politically-correct, over-sensitive, tree-hugger. But, as a step mother of a child who is severely mentally handicapped, and, as a human being with a HEART, this enrages me to the point where I want to scream & throw things.
I was told recently that the Republican Party was all about "dirty, slanderous, baseless politics." And, that the Republican Party is also "shameful". Last time I checked, Conservatives aren't out touting our "all inclusive, hold hands & sing kumbaya" policies, but not including those who need a voice the most. The innocents who cannot speak for themselves.
I guess being "pro-choice" to a liberal only means that you have a choice if you choose to abort your child when the constraints of a handicap will not fit into your lifestyle.
Leave the poor child alone. Leave the family alone and stop picking on them for having a heart. If it was the "Obamassiah" & his loud-mouth wife who had made this decision, would people be running around calling their child that name??

Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama's Blueprint for America

I am home sick. So, I decide I'm going to do some opposition research, like every good voting American should do.I know why I'm voting for John McCain, but do you? Or do you know why you're voting for Barack Obama? Don't give me this load of crap line about how you want "change" in America. What exactly does that mean? Tell me...Really. So, I encourage each of you to read this thing. Its LONG, and full of dribble about raising taxes (no, not just the top 5%, as he would like you to believe), and about how he was against the war in Iraq. Really? Cuz that means nothing as far as I am concerned since he wasn't in the Senate. (And remember folks, Constitutionally speaking, only CONGRESS has the power to declare war. The President may ask them to consider, but ultimately, it is their say).

So, here, in what I assume will be a very long post, I am going to dissect a few things for you, and tell you what the main-stream, drive-by, Barack Obama-loving Media will not.
On Page 5: "Obama introduced public financing legislation in the Illinois State Senate, and is the only 2008 Presidential candidate to have sponsored Russ Feingold's tough bill to reform the Presidential public financing system."What makes this so interesting is that, A) Its MCCAIN FEINGOLD Campaign Finance Reform. And B), Obama backed out of his promise to use public financing. Isn't he the one always saying politicians should keep their word? Then how about keeping this one? Or how about when he LIED on National Television to try to sway the American people. And you know what, he was in a church when he lied. That has to take a pair of brass balls.

Remember this from the Saddleback forum?:

Pastor Warren: Can you give me a good example where you went against party loyalty, and maybe even went against your own best interest for the good of America?
Obama: I'll give you an example that, in fact, I worked with John McCain on, and that was the issue of campaign ethics reform and finance reform. That wasn't probably in my interest or his.... But I think that we were able to get a bill passed that hasn't made Washington perfect, but at least has started moving things forward....

"But that one example of his great bi-partisan moment turns out to be as fleeting as it was disingenuous. In February of 2006, when Obama and McCain were serving in the Senate together, neither yet a presidential candidate, there was indeed a bipartisan effort to pass reform legislation. McCain initiated one of his "maverick" efforts to reach across the aisle in an attempt to reform lobbying. Obama pledged to McCain his willingness to rise above bipartisanship and work for the good of America — only to change his mind after one week and withdraw his cooperation. That "selfless-bipartisan" effort of Obama's ended in a scathing letter by McCain on February 6, 2006:

Dear Senator Obama:
I would like to apologize to you for assuming that your private assurances to me regarding your desire to cooperate in our efforts to negotiate bipartisan lobbying reform legislation were sincere. When you approached me and insisted that despite your leadership's preference to use the issue to gain a political advantage in the 2006 elections, you were personally committed to achieving a result that would reflect credit on the entire Senate and offer the country a better example of political leadership, I concluded your professed concern for the institution and the public interest was genuine and admirable. Thank you for disabusing me of such notions with your...decision to withdraw from our bipartisan discussion. I'm embarrassed to admit that after all these years in politics I failed to interpret your previous assurances as typical rhetorical gloss routinely used in politics to make self-interested partisan posturing appear more noble. Again, sorry for the confusion, but please be assured I won't make the same mistake again....
Sincerely, John McCain.

one example of bipartisan, self-sacrifice was a careless lie, told to the wrong audience about the wrong who was waiting in the wings and just might remember. It was another kind of audacity of hope — hoping that no one would notice." (excerpt taken from, article by Sandy Rios, Radio Personality out of Chicago)

Now onto the issue of Public Health care.In case Obama wasn't aware, we have free health clinics all over this country. Just here in Las Vegas there is another set to open by December of this year. Several well-to-do doctors are joining together to "give back" to the community. And they will receive donations to keep their doors open, government subsidies, and even tax breaks. This allows health care to stay open to a free market type approach. When you start screwing with the free-market society, you screw with the American public's wallet.Look at the cost of Lasik surgery over the last 10 years. When Lasik first became popular, people were spending thousands of dollars on ONE eye. But, the competition grew, because of the free-market, and so now the price is near $200 per eye. When government regulates what costs should be, there is no longer competition. Doctors can only charge what the government says they can charge, and with the bureaucracy of government-linked health insurance, you create a huge problem. People who have health insurance through places of employment will no longer have "excellent" health care, theirs will be mediocre in comparison. So, why should they work for it, when they can get a government subsidy? And so, we fall back to relying on the government and the taxes go up to pay for all of this. So much for your top 5%.

And of course, lets not forget the SCHIP Re authorization Act. Obama boasts that he voted for this so millions of American children can have health insurance. They had something similar when I was growing up, it was called "welfare".

But what Obama doesn't tell you in this little ditty about how awesome he is when it comes to taking care of the youth of America, is that he voted NO on authorizing SCHIP include unborn babies. So if you're pregnant & can't afford health care, SCHIP isn't going to look out for you. Do you know why? Because then Obama would have to admit that the "thing" in your stomach isn't tissue, or mass; its a real live human being. And then his pro-"choice" stance would be an oxy moron. Because how can you say a woman can abort her child, but also that you want to cover it with health insurance? Isn't that sending the message that its not a "zygote", a "fetus" or whatever other term you want to use, but a "baby"?

And how about that "Making Work Pay" tax credit? So, Obama says he plans to eliminate income tax for 10 million Americans. Want to know whats funny about that? Those are probably the 10 million Americans who live below the poverty line & receive their taxes back in a refund every year anyway (or they are exempt to begin with). And 10 million? In a country of over 350 million, is 10 million really a lot on a grand scale?

And now onto more "Free Government Money"...Obama wants to increase the FMLA time off, and "encourage" all 50 states to give more time off. So, he's proposing a $1.5 BILLION budget for this. Guess where that money is coming from...Yeah, its not just the "top 5%" - eventually, to pay for this, we all will have to pitch in.
I could go on & on & on. The fact of the matter is, there is another 20-something pages, and I just don't think anyone is going to read for that long.

But in reality, you should. You should know where your candidate stands on the issues. Why doesn't he want to privatize social security? (because he wants to tax us more to pay for other generations that have bankrupt it), Why doesn't he support voucher programs for schools, rather than throwing MORE money at an already broken system?(As a side note, America spends more money, per student, than any other 1st world country - and we have the lowest testing scores. Why is money always the answer to government bureaucrats?)

Go read the issues on BOTH candidates. Take the political test to see who you line up with.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mexican Citizens on Death Row in the United States?

So there is a Mexican Citizen on Death Row in Texas (go TX Death Penalty Laws!!) who was a part of a gang rape and murder of two teenagers 15 years ago.

The UN and World Court is now trying to stop the execution.
The Vienna Convention is such a load of crap.

I have a couple questions...
1) Why has it taken so long for his execution to actually take place? He is illegal. He committed a crime on US soil, against an American. Therefore, in the eyes of most Americans, he can be considered a terrorist, yes? Immediate death. They wouldn't have any problem executing an American anywhere else in the world if something like this happened.
2) Don't you think actually following through on the execution of a CONVICTED killer/rapist might send a message to others who think they can come across our borders and commit crimes that we just might not put up with the BS anymore?
It might at least send a message to the voting citizens of this country that our political leaders will no longer be soft on crime, or on illegal immigration.
3) Why do we give a rats ass about what Mexico wants? They are a separate country. They are not taking care of their own people. Why should the US have to be their doormat?
and finally...
4) Why is the US listening to the UN? No, seriously. Someone explain this to me. And then tell me the last time the UN did anything worth taking seriously.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hate Couture?

Are Republican pundits becoming akin to PETA groups?

PETA chastises those who wear fur or leather, because it does not line up with their personal beliefs. In a current commentary portion of FOX NEWS, Michelle Malkin went after America's Sweetheart, Rachel Ray for wearing a scarf that she says resembles something Yasser Arafat or another Jihadist would wear.

Oh, for Pete's Sake people!

I wear leather because I like it! I've been known to throw a scarf on, even when its not cold, because its fashionable.

Are we really taking ourselves this seriously, that fashion is now a tool for the jihad movement? We no longer can express ourselves by what we wear? Are Christians going to come after me because I am wearing RED heels today & say that I am obviously a street walker because of my choice in foot wear?

Wearing red doesn't make me a hooker, anymore than wearing black makes me "emo" or "goth". Wearing leather doesn't mean I don't love animals. Wearing a scarf doesn't make me a terrorist sympathizer.

I think everyone needs to settle down. I used to respect Michelle Malkin. Now, I wonder if she's been drinking the "Coulter Kool-Aid" lately.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A House Divided Will Not Stand

To the Esteemed Members of our Republican Party;

Over the last few years I have had the chance to observe our party from the inside, and I have come to the conclusion that most everyone involved is in this, not for the good of our party, and not to see Republicans elected, but for their own egos, circumstances and to see only candidates they themselves deem worthy.

In the most recent case, John McCain has all but become our official nominee. His momentum is building and he is gaining strength throughout every state. Republicans that we all look up to like Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman, Tony Snow, George Allen, Tom Coburn, Ed Gillespie, & even George HW Bush are standing behind McCain and his bid for the White House. The White House has told their staff to be supportive of the McCain campaign and to stand in line with him. The Republican National Committee is prepairing to help defeat the Democrat nominee, whomever they might be, and yet, as Republicans, you all cannot agree to stand behind the nominee we already have.

Everyone is remenicent of an earlier candidate, or other Presidents. I would like to remind everyone that the VOTERS have spoken. Across this great nation of ours, John McCain's momentum was building from the very beginning of this year's caucus and primary season. It was not Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, or Rudy Giuliani who continued to gain voters in every state; it was John McCain.

Mitt Romney even had the sense that Senator McCain's campaign is a force to be reckoned with and he stood down to allow his (McCain) Presidential Campaign to continue to build & strengthen. With the recent endorsement & urging to past supporters of Romney's to support McCain, as was done with Giuliani, I am wondering why I have to ask where you all stand? You see, I know where many of you stand. And, to be honest, that is quite disheartening.

As Republicans committed to defending the freedoms of our country, NO ONE should know your personal position on McCain's policies, other the fact that you believe McCain is the man for the job. Infighting, moaning about our nominee not being "a true conservative" does not build party morale, or strengthen relationships.I think it would be wise to remember that we do not win elections by simply telling people to go vote. There is leg work (and a lot of it) required. By the sweat of our brow we must work TOGETHER to see our nominee win the White House this November.

I am curious to know how standing down is helping our cause? When you tear down our candidate, you tear down not only our party & leadership, but you demoralize the VOTERS that made McCain our nominee. Are we truly FOR the PEOPLE? Or is this something that we say in public, but behind closed doors we feel that we are ENTITLED to something greater than what we have?

Who are we that we can speak for those that have done their civic duty & gone to their caucus locations & their polling places and cast their ballot for John McCain? I understand that many of you supported other candidates in the beginning of this election. But, this should not be done in public where volunteers and Republican FootSoldiers can be made aware. You see, we NEED them DESPERATELY this election cycle. We cannot afford to demoralize our candidate, because in the eyes of the volunteers, they need to know they are working for something they believe in; if their own party officials do not believe in the candidate, why should they work so hard & desperately for him, giving up their lives to do this awesome & mighty deed?

In my positions with the NRP & Right to Life, I depended heavily on my core volunteers. Had I ever said to a supporter that I didnt really care, I didnt support a candidate that I was working for, or anything along those lines, I would have surely lost 99% of those people to dispair & hopelessness. I would rather work with someone who is as passionate as I am, and sees the light at the end of the tunnel than a pessimist. I would rather work with someone who encourages me to stand behind our party & our ideals, even when differences arise, because we are the party of TRUE HOPE for our nation & our children.

I urge you not to fall into the trap of being apathetic. Stand up, be counted, make a difference, and for once, PLEASE, consider John McCain as our best option, the best man for the job & put your own thoughts and feelings aside.

"Wouldn't you rather have President McCain who you disagree with 20% of the time, rather than President Obama or President Clinton you disagree with 90% of the time?" ---Tony Snow Thank you for allowing me to air my grievances.