Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Side Note #2 for Today

Let me start this post out by saying I'm not an environmentalist, at all. However, can someone explain the sheer lunacy that was going on at Wendy's today?
I went in for lunch and when I left I asked for a refill on my diet coke and they threw away my cup and gave me a new one. I guess this could be some health code violation for me to reuse my cup, but this is the only time I've ever seen this done. Can someone please explain?
I'm glad to know that members of ELF (Earth Liberation Front) would never eat there...My favorite fast food place would be burned to the ground! Now, we only have to worry if Wendy's starts serving soy patties and organic veggies with goat's milk...
Oh yeah, YES, I do order Diet Soda with my fried chicken nuggets. They cancel each other out! ;o)~

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