Monday, July 19, 2004

Except for Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism & Communism, War Has Never Solved Anything.

A word to those of you out there who are against the "War on Terror." -Grow up.
Millions of people died at the hands of Saddam Hussein & his numerous thugs. America is not the bad guy here. Remember what it was like for those people who lived under his rule? (No, not if you were watching CNN) -It was NOT a happy go lucky time. Get real.
He allowed his sons to rape young women. Men, women & children were killed for no apparent reason. He was steeling from the poor to make himself richer (have you seen those mansions? and how many of them he had? PU-LEASE!)
If you think that Iraq was a wonderful place before the U.S. & our allies (YEAY TONY BLAIR!) got involved, you are living in a psycho dream world & you probably take your political cues from the likes of George Soros & Michael Moore. (Don't even GET me started on those two...Rest assured there will be many blogs devoted to those two America Haters).
Just because we live in the "Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave," it doesn't give us the right to make a complete ass out of ourselves everytime we open our mouths. Freedom is something that was fought for. Blood was shed so that we can make asinine remarks. Shouldn't others have that right too?
If you believe so, I found this website, and I thought it was really cool :
Stay Brave, Stay Free...And remember to Thank God for the Freedom that allows you to thank God.

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