Monday, July 26, 2004

Maricopa County Attorney Candidates on Illegal Immigration

Why is it that County Attorney candidates are campaigning on the issue of Illegal Immigration? I'll tell you why, because they know that most voters do not understand the roles of a County Attorney & they understand that Illegal Immigration is a hot-button topic, and they want to cash in, at all costs.
This is not the first time that one of the County Attorney candidates has run on a platform that has nothing to do with their actual roles & duties, if elected to the position. Andrew Peyton Thomas ran in 2002 on the platform of giving no plea agreements to child molesters, despite the fact that Attorney General (the position he was vying for at the time) does not prosecute child molesters. He is now claiming that he will stop illegal immigration.
Pacheco, like Thomas, has also implied that if elected he will end illegal immigration through prosecuting immigrant smugglers.
In a statement made by candidate Mike Bailey, he said "Although Maricopa County residents definitely pay the costs of illegal immigration, the County Attorney has no direct jurisdiction over immigration crimes. Still, we must absolutely hold the federal government responsible for the local costs of illegal immigration." He then added that the first step toward resolving this issue is to track the costs of illegal immigration at the county level.
At the current time neither the County Attorney's office nor the Adult Probation Office track the number of illegal immigrants committing crimes in this country.  What must be done is retracting those bail rules which allow illegals to be released and commit new crimes, which in turn the authorities are too slow to act upon a true punishment. I say deport them for not obeying the laws (which obviously they had no respect for by coming over illegally).
Who will you vote for when it comes to this important decision? Someone who is qualified as a former prosecutor who specialized in homicide and sex crimes cases, or two men who claim to have control over situations which they clearly do not.

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