Friday, February 18, 2005

Where Do You Draw the Line?

I was watching one of my favorite shows last night, Will & Grace. I know, I shouldn't love it, but I do. It's funny. Or, should I say, it used to be funny?
I've found it to be unamuzing at some points. Where do I, as a Christian and a Republican draw the line? I refuse to be one of those people who boycotts EVERYTHING under the sun. I know that some things will be offensive to me and my beliefs. I know that there are people who don't agree with me. I do agree in Freedom of Speech. Here is where my issue lies.
How is it that shows like "Will and Grace" can bash our President left and right, but we cannot stand up for ourselves in the Media without being made out to look like a bunch of crazies?
Several episodes of that show have made our President out to look like a dimwhit, and to trash Republicans. I recall once even hearing Will say something about a client being a large donor to the Republican National Committee and the grandfather of five, so how could Jack act so gay in front of him? You know what? Just because we give money to the RNC, that doesn't mean that we are HOMOPHOBIC!!!
I actually have homosexual friends. I go dancing & shopping with them. I have fun. Do I support their lifestyle? NO, absolutely not. Do they know it? YES. We just agree to disagree and move on.
Being Republican doesn't make me a freak. Being a Christian doesn't make me weird. I believe in the principles that this Nation was founded on. You don't? Okay, that's what the first amendment is about. You have the right to go on TV and say you are homosexual and you hate my President and my Lord. I have the right to tell you to stick it where the sun don't shine.
Stop telling me that FOX NEWS is biased. But then, if you line up with CNN's views why would you want anyone to hear anything else but lies?
I am tired of people making fun of good people like Dr. James Dobson for his beliefs. I am tired of people bashing God on TV and Republicans and their policy in the news.
I don't want to be one of those people that sits in my house without a TV, never going to a movie, for fear that I will be offended. I refuse to live my life in a cave. However, I refuse to sit quietly and take crap from people out of the mainstream any longer.


Ace said...

I love Will & Grace, so it pains me when the writers go out of their way to attack my political affiliation for some cheap gags. Last week’s episode, where Jack and Will attend the annual Spring Dance with Karen, centered around the bigoted and…*gasp*… Republican country club crowd’s supposed intolerance of gays. I wanted to remind them that it was the great liberal darling Bill Clinton who signed the Defence of Marriage Act into law, that John Kerry said he was against gay marriage numerous times throughout the Presidential campaign, and that if gay marriage legislation was before Congress today, it would go down in flames with more than a handful of Democrats voting against it. Alas, I was sitting in front of my TV at the time, so they wouldn’t hear my ranting anyway.

The really sad thing is that Will & Grace is actually far less preachy than many other shows on the tube, particularly the dramas. Have you tried watching ER in the past few years? Some episodes are practically infomercials for the DNC. Last week, the lesbian doctor found her birth mother, who, as it turns out, is a devout born-again Christian. Upon hearing of the doctor’s sexual orientation, the mother disavows her newfound daughter. You could just feel the liberal sanctimony oozing from the screen: “Oh, those righteous Christians are a heartless lot, aren’t they? Look how cruel they are to loved ones who were simply born differently.” This coming from people who advocate late-term abortions and euthanasia for the infirm? Give me a break! I’m not a Christian, but it bugs me mightily to see aspersions cast upon people of a particular faith who may have views that run counter to the latest liberal fad.

thelovelyval said...
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Ace said...

Gay Rights is the latest ER cause celebre. For a while, gun control was their pet issue. I remember a particular episode where a madman was running amok through the streets of Chicago, shooting people at will. One potential victim turned out to be packing heat, legally I might add, and defended himself appropriately.

Both the shooter and victim were brought to the ER, whereupon the victim was berated by the attending physicians for contributing to gun violence! What Bizarro World do these Hollywood writers live in?

Ugh, I'm all cranky with liberals today.

thelovelyval said...

Just today, Ace?
I'm cranky with liberals EVERYDAY. It seems to get worse as I get older too. Imagine what I'll be like in 5-10 years! Watch Out!

Ace said...
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Ace said...

Oh, I'm cranky with them everyday, too. You should check out my blog.

thelovelyval said...

I actually do frequent your blog, ACE, and I enjoy it quite a bit :o)
Keep up the great work!
AND, with that being said...Ms. D, how is yours coming along??

erinberry said...

If you had actually read Jesus's words, you would know He was as liberal and revolutionary as they come.

The hypocrisy of so-called Christian Republicans astounds me.

thelovelyval said...

WOW. I do read the words of Christ, daily, I might add. He was not a liberal, as you claim.
In fact, Christ condemned audultery, sodomy and homosexualism. You can read about it in Genesis 12 & 13. (as well as throughout the rest of the Bible.)
Abram lied & gave his wife to be the Pharoah's. The Pharoah was cursed for this. The men of Sodom & Gamorah were destroyed because of their homosexuality. Then in 1 Corinthians Paul talks about sexual immorality by saying, "A man has his father's wife. And you are so Proud! Shouldn't you rather have been filled with grief?" -We are no longer appalled at this kind of behavior, we welcome it in as 'entertainment.'
I do not condemn people who live this way. Christ's main teaching is to love the sinner, hate the sin. We are all sinners, in our own ways. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." or shall I quote this one?: "Do not judge others, for you too will be judged...Why do you look at the sawdust in your brothers eye & pay no attention to the plank in your own? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye." But the greatest scripture I could ever quote would be, "A new command I give you: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." -John 13:34
It is then repeated several more times through out the new testament.