In all honesty, I can't figure out what all the fuss is about lately. It seems that the media has forgotten that they've been pushing sex down our throats as a cultural "norm" for as long as I've been alive, and now they are shocked at the fruits of their seed? Give me a break.
First, Miss USA, Tara Conner is called in to see "The Donald" for her behavior, including underage drinking. Then the big question of the week is, "Will she be dethroned!?"
Secondly, an announcement was made that Miss Teen USA is suffering from her own 'personal' but very public problems when she posed for a "naughty" photoshoot.
With Britney Spears & Paris Hilton showing their 'hoo-has' all over town, Lindsey Lohan and her underage drinking being plastered on Page Six every week, and the reigning teen fashion calling for barely visible articles of clothing, how can anyone be surprised, let alone shocked that these two girls have made the decisions that they've made.
I personally think that these are non-issues. I think the media should focus on something more important.
This morning on the Today show there was an entire segment dedicated to uncovering the "myth" of teenagers abstaining from sex. In the 1940s, 88% of women had sex in their teens, in 2006? A "shocking" 9 out of 10 teenagers are sexually active. I didnt think it was all that shocking. I didn't think it sounded too "off".
But I guess it just goes to show that a lot of people (parents, mostly) want to point the fingers at other people and say, "My child would never do that."
If you REALLY think that your child is that one out of the ten, either you need a reality check, or I'd like to say congratulations for raising a morally uncompromised teen.
In the mean time though, lets look at it this way...underage drinking and pre-marital sex aren't the end of the world. Are they desirable habits? No, absolutely not, but it could be crack cocaine & prostitution. Lets just put everything in perspective.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
2006 in Review
I just realized that I was pretty non-existent in the "blog" world this year. -My apologies for that. I'll send out an update and sort of teeter on about a few issues that no one but myself and a handful of other people probably care about.
I started many different jobs and was unhappy at them all. So I quit.
Someone told me a few weeks ago that I am a terrible person for being so indecisive in my career. I told them that they had it all wrong. If I was indecisive, I'd still be at the same job I started at this time last year, and I'd still be miserable. Life is short. Why be miserable at the one place you spend the majority of your time? My bills are paid. My dog is fed. No one can talk about me being irresponsible, as I cover my own ass.
I've stopped playing it safe. I don't stay somewhere because its what I "should" do. I am not friends with people because I always have been. I don't follow along like a good little girl anymore. I've learned to question authority, when appropriate and to question myself. I've learned to stand up for myself & realize my own value. If you don't value me, I don't have time for you. (It's something I wish I could teach all young women to do. Its a shame I didn't learn until I was 25!)
I've found myself tossing out careers and other bits of my past. Things that hold no bearing on who I will be in a year. Things that don't shape me, and I do not shape them.
Finding that I cannot for the life of me, be as juvenile and naive about friendships and relationships as I once was. Liars and cheaters, backstabbers and the likes hold no place in my circle. Honesty is the best policy. If you can't be honest with me, you either don't trust me or are hiding something, which leads me to believe we shouldn't be friends anyway.
I have discovered a lot about myself, and am continuously learning. But that's life. Life is a journey. If you've gotten to the end of your journey of discovery and you've nothing left to learn about yourself or others, then why continue to live anyway?
I started many different jobs and was unhappy at them all. So I quit.
Someone told me a few weeks ago that I am a terrible person for being so indecisive in my career. I told them that they had it all wrong. If I was indecisive, I'd still be at the same job I started at this time last year, and I'd still be miserable. Life is short. Why be miserable at the one place you spend the majority of your time? My bills are paid. My dog is fed. No one can talk about me being irresponsible, as I cover my own ass.
I've stopped playing it safe. I don't stay somewhere because its what I "should" do. I am not friends with people because I always have been. I don't follow along like a good little girl anymore. I've learned to question authority, when appropriate and to question myself. I've learned to stand up for myself & realize my own value. If you don't value me, I don't have time for you. (It's something I wish I could teach all young women to do. Its a shame I didn't learn until I was 25!)
I've found myself tossing out careers and other bits of my past. Things that hold no bearing on who I will be in a year. Things that don't shape me, and I do not shape them.
Finding that I cannot for the life of me, be as juvenile and naive about friendships and relationships as I once was. Liars and cheaters, backstabbers and the likes hold no place in my circle. Honesty is the best policy. If you can't be honest with me, you either don't trust me or are hiding something, which leads me to believe we shouldn't be friends anyway.
I have discovered a lot about myself, and am continuously learning. But that's life. Life is a journey. If you've gotten to the end of your journey of discovery and you've nothing left to learn about yourself or others, then why continue to live anyway?
Friday, April 28, 2006
United 93
There are no words to express the feelings that I'm having right now.I just sat through, what felt like dejavu.
On the morning of September 11th, I was awakened by Carolyn to hear, "Val, we've been attacked."In a groggy haze of confusion, I stumbled out of bed & to the door and said, "What? What are you talking about?"
"A plane hit the tower..."
We watched the second plane hit moments later. I sat there...waiting, watching, crying. Not knowing what to say. Not knowing what to do.
As I sat in the movie theater tonight, I felt the same emotion come over me.Almost 5 years later, and it still doesn't feel real. I can't imagine someone, anyone having as much hate for the United States, as those terrorists did...DO...
Watching mothers call children & husbands call wives. Hearing the infectuous, yet silent roar of "the Lords Prayer" being said, seconds before the brave passengers charged faithfully toward their demise.Hearing one man state, "We are going to die anyway, we might as well do whatever we can." -Going down still fighting.
Would I keep fighting until the end? or would I give up?
September 11, 2001 united the nation in a way that's never been seen. Neighbors took the time to speak. Parents took the time to listen. People took the time to pray.To think that we are hated because we can love, live and speak freely is a hard truth to face. We do not understand it, because we have never known it. There are some that face this truth everyday. If they try to live the way that we do, they are mamed or murdered.
To watch the people re-enact their part in the day, and the events brought on a feeling of courage and strength. To live through September 11, although still on the ground, yet playing an important role in the Command Towers, and then to turn around & have to do again...Could you relive the worst day of your life so that others may know exactly what happened?
For once, I am proud to say, this movie was not politicized, from what I can tell. There was no left view or right swing. It was simply the story of what happened to those people that layed down their lives to save the lives of hundreds of others. They didn't go quietly.Can you imagine? The Nation's Capitol...the very place that stands for our freedom, that gives us the right to tell this story again, may have been wiped out in moments...
Take a moment to remember how blessed we are. Then take a moment to pray for the families of those who lost on that fateful day.It may have been five years ago, but the pain is probably just as sharp today as it was then for those who lost.
Never forget -support those who fight for your freedom.Realize that there are people who are just now gaining the right to pray as they wish, and speak to whom they choose. Thank God for your rights as an American, and remember that there are those that would love to be in your shoes, no matter how bad you may think you've got it.
Memorable Quotes: September 11, 2001
On the morning of September 11th, I was awakened by Carolyn to hear, "Val, we've been attacked."In a groggy haze of confusion, I stumbled out of bed & to the door and said, "What? What are you talking about?"
"A plane hit the tower..."
We watched the second plane hit moments later. I sat there...waiting, watching, crying. Not knowing what to say. Not knowing what to do.
As I sat in the movie theater tonight, I felt the same emotion come over me.Almost 5 years later, and it still doesn't feel real. I can't imagine someone, anyone having as much hate for the United States, as those terrorists did...DO...
Watching mothers call children & husbands call wives. Hearing the infectuous, yet silent roar of "the Lords Prayer" being said, seconds before the brave passengers charged faithfully toward their demise.Hearing one man state, "We are going to die anyway, we might as well do whatever we can." -Going down still fighting.
Would I keep fighting until the end? or would I give up?
September 11, 2001 united the nation in a way that's never been seen. Neighbors took the time to speak. Parents took the time to listen. People took the time to pray.To think that we are hated because we can love, live and speak freely is a hard truth to face. We do not understand it, because we have never known it. There are some that face this truth everyday. If they try to live the way that we do, they are mamed or murdered.
To watch the people re-enact their part in the day, and the events brought on a feeling of courage and strength. To live through September 11, although still on the ground, yet playing an important role in the Command Towers, and then to turn around & have to do again...Could you relive the worst day of your life so that others may know exactly what happened?
For once, I am proud to say, this movie was not politicized, from what I can tell. There was no left view or right swing. It was simply the story of what happened to those people that layed down their lives to save the lives of hundreds of others. They didn't go quietly.Can you imagine? The Nation's Capitol...the very place that stands for our freedom, that gives us the right to tell this story again, may have been wiped out in moments...
Take a moment to remember how blessed we are. Then take a moment to pray for the families of those who lost on that fateful day.It may have been five years ago, but the pain is probably just as sharp today as it was then for those who lost.
Never forget -support those who fight for your freedom.Realize that there are people who are just now gaining the right to pray as they wish, and speak to whom they choose. Thank God for your rights as an American, and remember that there are those that would love to be in your shoes, no matter how bad you may think you've got it.
Memorable Quotes: September 11, 2001

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Stunt for Free Speach
Marc Ecko of Marc Ecko Enterprises rented a 747 plane (and the hangar in which it was housed) & had one side of it painted to be an exact replica of Air Force One.
Then, a video was made of a hooded man hopping barbed wire fences, and the like to spray paint the words, "Still Free" on the side of the jet.
It apparently was supposed to be a mark towards freedom of speach.
As far as I'm concerned it was a waste of money, but then again, this is America, and people have the freedom to be as ridiculous as they want...even if spending half a million dollars just to spray paint a fake Air Force One is what you want to do.
Crazy...and useless.
Then, a video was made of a hooded man hopping barbed wire fences, and the like to spray paint the words, "Still Free" on the side of the jet.
It apparently was supposed to be a mark towards freedom of speach.
As far as I'm concerned it was a waste of money, but then again, this is America, and people have the freedom to be as ridiculous as they want...even if spending half a million dollars just to spray paint a fake Air Force One is what you want to do.
Crazy...and useless.
Monday, March 20, 2006
So, I'm sitting in DCA (Reagan Nat'l Airport) on a layover to NY, when I see all of these Secret Service people looming around the gate. I was on my way to Albany. They were hanging out near the gate headed to LaGuardia. I sent a text to a couple people saying "must be someone big going to NYC tomorrow, the SS is out in full force."
When I say "out in full force" I mean, there were about seven of these guys hanging out.
They give the final boarding call for the flight to LaGuardia. Nothing happens. They don't close the gate, they don't shut the doors. SS is still hanging out...
I get up, on my way to use the ladies (so of course, I put away my camera...) & in comes another secret service detail. There were probably around another 8 in that detail.
So, who was all the hoopla for???
None other than Miss Haggy Haggerton herself...Hilary Rodham Clinton.
She looked TERRIBLE. And what a twat, if I may use such language. Who is she? Why does she have the right to show up 2 minutes AFTER the gate closes, with an entourage of nearly 20, and to be so rude to fellow flyers?
I suppose this has something to do with the fact that she's not only a US Senator, but also a former first lady. But the audacity. I just can't comprehend anyone being as asinine as she was. Didn't smile. Had nothing nice to say when well wishers spoke to her.
Can you imagine anyone wishing HER a safe flight? Thank God she wasn't on my flight. I think that would have been the day that I was arrested by the air marshall!
When I say "out in full force" I mean, there were about seven of these guys hanging out.
They give the final boarding call for the flight to LaGuardia. Nothing happens. They don't close the gate, they don't shut the doors. SS is still hanging out...
I get up, on my way to use the ladies (so of course, I put away my camera...) & in comes another secret service detail. There were probably around another 8 in that detail.
So, who was all the hoopla for???
None other than Miss Haggy Haggerton herself...Hilary Rodham Clinton.

She looked TERRIBLE. And what a twat, if I may use such language. Who is she? Why does she have the right to show up 2 minutes AFTER the gate closes, with an entourage of nearly 20, and to be so rude to fellow flyers?
I suppose this has something to do with the fact that she's not only a US Senator, but also a former first lady. But the audacity. I just can't comprehend anyone being as asinine as she was. Didn't smile. Had nothing nice to say when well wishers spoke to her.
Can you imagine anyone wishing HER a safe flight? Thank God she wasn't on my flight. I think that would have been the day that I was arrested by the air marshall!
Monday, March 13, 2006
South Park

Hayes sites the shows lack of religious tolerance as the reason that he has quit.
"There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins. Religious beliefs are sacred to people, and at all times should be respected and honored. As a civil rights activist of the past 40 years, I cannot support a show that disrespects those beliefs and practices."
Show creators Matt Stone & Trey Parker state that it is their belief that Hayes only resigned because this past year they featured an episode that mocked Scientology. Hayes is a devout member of the Christian Scientology group, which is a host to a plethora of Hollywood A-listers, such as Tom Cruise & John Travolta, and was believed to have been very offended over the show.
Stone said, "This is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology... He has no problem -and he's cashed plenty of checks - with our show making fun of Christians."
Parker chimed in, "We never heard a peep out of Isaac in any way until we did Scientology. He wants a different standard for religions other than his own, and to me, that is where intolerance and bigotry begin."
So I suppose the show will have to find a new ladies man, but for now I say, "GOOD RIDDANCE!"
Friday, March 10, 2006
...In Other News...

Note to Victoria Beckham:
When your skin begins to resemble the color of burnt plastic, we've got an issue. You are white. I understand the need for a HEALTHY glow, but lets get real. You look GROSS.
That's all I'm saying...but honestly...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
This Just In
Apparently, a huge weapons cache was uncovered in Western Iraq on Monday. It is said to be among the largest found in the Anbar province to date.
According to sources, more than 3,000 pieces were uncovered during a recon patrol.
So for those of you who are still convinced that it isn't possible that WMD's are hiding somewhere, inside or outside of Iraq, let's get real. Anything is possible.
Thankfully, the discovery & confiscation of such munitions means that there should be a reduction in anti-Iraq attacks. One can only hope, anyway.
For more information, read here:§ion=104
According to sources, more than 3,000 pieces were uncovered during a recon patrol.
So for those of you who are still convinced that it isn't possible that WMD's are hiding somewhere, inside or outside of Iraq, let's get real. Anything is possible.
Thankfully, the discovery & confiscation of such munitions means that there should be a reduction in anti-Iraq attacks. One can only hope, anyway.
For more information, read here:§ion=104
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
The Battle Continues

The newly appointed justices of the Supreme Court will face what may be one of their most heated cases to come.
Today the Supreme Court will look at the 2003 law passed by Congress to ban late term abortion, or "Partial Birth Abortion." Judges in California, New York & Nebraska claimed the law was unconstitutional & so the law never went into effect.
Opposition to the two newest members of the high court will of course be waiting for the law to be granted constitutional, because the Right to Life fight was among the top concerns for why these two conservative men should not be confirmed. When the case was heard before, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was the tie breaking vote, ending the fight at 4-5, although she was considered at one time to be a conservative appointment.
The federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act prohibits a certain type of abortion, generally carried out in the second or third trimester, in which a fetus is partially removed from the womb, and the skull is punctured or crushed.
It is beyond me why anyone would ever find it constitutional to take an unborn, yet still living child's life. Especially in this cruel & tortured form. I hope that the justices do what they feel is necessary & right and find that the late term abortion law is more than constitutional, but that it is needed.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
November, 2004. Memories in Pictures.
Irma, Val, Don, Trey & Yale..."Working" at Mandalay Bay...and later on in the Hard Rock Penthouse.

Millie & Val...Tired. Its Been a LONG Day!

Val, Justin & Jen. We Won the Bloody Phone. Go Team!

Jen & Val. Missing our Team Leader, Mario.

DOMARA! Always Causing Problems..."You Should Name Your Cars After Women Because Then You Treat Them Better."

Pam, Val & Mary. Those Ladies Worked SO Hard for Me & The Legal Team!

Mista Carr! Boy, I Could Go For Some of His BBQ Right Now (& some 2am putting & 3 cases of beer! lol)

Val, Gabi, Jen & Irma. The Republican Babes. ;o)~ Enjoying Our Victory Meal, and What Would Be Our Last Time Together.

Group Photo:
Dave, Millie, Jen, Val, Gabi, Irma, Chris. Front: Stephanie. Britany.

Millie & Val...Tired. Its Been a LONG Day!

Val, Justin & Jen. We Won the Bloody Phone. Go Team!

Jen & Val. Missing our Team Leader, Mario.

DOMARA! Always Causing Problems..."You Should Name Your Cars After Women Because Then You Treat Them Better."

Pam, Val & Mary. Those Ladies Worked SO Hard for Me & The Legal Team!

Mista Carr! Boy, I Could Go For Some of His BBQ Right Now (& some 2am putting & 3 cases of beer! lol)

Val, Gabi, Jen & Irma. The Republican Babes. ;o)~ Enjoying Our Victory Meal, and What Would Be Our Last Time Together.

Group Photo:
Dave, Millie, Jen, Val, Gabi, Irma, Chris. Front: Stephanie. Britany.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The Right to Choose?

It seems that the right to choose is only good enough when it means that you are choosing to see things their way.
Apparently, "Abortion Rights" groups have helped three Massachusetts women bring a law suit against Wal-Mart. The law-suit basically claims that the company should be forced to stock Emergency Contraception, or Plan B pills in its pharmacies.
As for right now the law suit cannot be upheld because state law requires only "commonly prescribed" medications to be stocked by pharmacies. EC is not commonly prescribed at this time in the state of Massachusetts. In the state of Illinois, however, it is required by state law that it be available at ALL pharmacies, and the Wal-Marts there do carry it.
Wal-Mart is known for its conservative views on many subjects from books & products that it will or will not carry, to its pharmaceutical choices. The decision not to carry Plan B should not have come as a shock or surprise to anyone.
CVS is the states largest pharmacy chain, and does carry the Emergency Contraception drug.
In Canada, the drug has already been switched to a non-prescription/over the counter medication.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Decisions, Decisions
After finally settling into my cozy job at St. Joe's hospital, I have been asked to move again.
I long for the excitement of the political field. Always on the go, always under pressure, always on a deadline. the same time, I love the fact that I have something permanent & stable here. I make decent money (and once my raise kicks in, it will be awesome!), will have health insurance & vacation pay soon. I enjoy the people I work with & I am learning new things everyday, as well as meeting new people. I am finally letting the roots that I re-planted last year have time to grow.
Do i really want to dig those up again to move somewhere like NM, CO or even back to NV?
Is the thrill of another win worth throwing my life into total chaos again? Maybe next time I'll never recover from it. Its taken me a year to get this far. Next time it could take longer.
I'm not sure what to do. Right now I'm just looking for guidance & wisdom.
I long for the excitement of the political field. Always on the go, always under pressure, always on a deadline. the same time, I love the fact that I have something permanent & stable here. I make decent money (and once my raise kicks in, it will be awesome!), will have health insurance & vacation pay soon. I enjoy the people I work with & I am learning new things everyday, as well as meeting new people. I am finally letting the roots that I re-planted last year have time to grow.
Do i really want to dig those up again to move somewhere like NM, CO or even back to NV?
Is the thrill of another win worth throwing my life into total chaos again? Maybe next time I'll never recover from it. Its taken me a year to get this far. Next time it could take longer.
I'm not sure what to do. Right now I'm just looking for guidance & wisdom.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
One in a Million
I can't list on 10 fingers & 10 toes how many women's magazine's there are out there. It would take 20-30 more fingers & toes to do so... Every time you turn around there is a new one. Vanity Fair, Cosmo, Cosmo Girl, Vogue, InStyle, Allure, Elle, and the list goes on & on & on & on & on. A new one, always claiming to be better, to give you advice that you cannot live without, life changing information for a better YOU! Well, now we'll have another one to choose from...

Martha Stewart has announced that she will be launching a new women's magazine, "Blueprint: Design Your Life". This magazine is targeted towards the demographic of women, ages 25-45. Stewart feels that this is a crucial time in a modern woman's life. Many are establishing their careers, starting families, and "upgrading" their lives. The design of the magazine is to help women with not only fashion, but decorating, entertaining and "life organization."
Hopefully, this magazine will not turn into the same hum-drum that can be picked up on any newsstand & in every bookstore across the nation, but it will be something with tangible advice, both usable & innovative.
I'm tired of opening up a magazine every month and the same 5 topics are covered. Pink is the new Green (or black), Flats or stillettos?, Dress for your body type & how to give a man the most incredible orgasm he's ever had. (Not that these aren't "pressing" issues, but I do feel that we can step it up a notch or two...)
I also hope it doesn't turn into a place for liberals to rant & rave about their current "issue" with conservatives or vice versa. A place to once again platform abortion "rights" & other "women's issues". All to often Women's Magazines take a stance and never cover both sides.
Martha Stewart is a wise woman (unless we are discussing stock options, lol), and hopefully she will understand that if she wants to be successful she will need to cater to BOTH sides, and cover things that aren't being discussed in the 'surface' reads we find today.

Martha Stewart has announced that she will be launching a new women's magazine, "Blueprint: Design Your Life". This magazine is targeted towards the demographic of women, ages 25-45. Stewart feels that this is a crucial time in a modern woman's life. Many are establishing their careers, starting families, and "upgrading" their lives. The design of the magazine is to help women with not only fashion, but decorating, entertaining and "life organization."
Hopefully, this magazine will not turn into the same hum-drum that can be picked up on any newsstand & in every bookstore across the nation, but it will be something with tangible advice, both usable & innovative.
I'm tired of opening up a magazine every month and the same 5 topics are covered. Pink is the new Green (or black), Flats or stillettos?, Dress for your body type & how to give a man the most incredible orgasm he's ever had. (Not that these aren't "pressing" issues, but I do feel that we can step it up a notch or two...)
I also hope it doesn't turn into a place for liberals to rant & rave about their current "issue" with conservatives or vice versa. A place to once again platform abortion "rights" & other "women's issues". All to often Women's Magazines take a stance and never cover both sides.
Martha Stewart is a wise woman (unless we are discussing stock options, lol), and hopefully she will understand that if she wants to be successful she will need to cater to BOTH sides, and cover things that aren't being discussed in the 'surface' reads we find today.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Move Over, Barbie
Fulla, the Egyptian counterpart to Barbie is selling more rapidly then the "blonde bombshell" of the West (in Cairo).
About 70% of Egyptian women still choose to dress in the traditional arabic style, never showing an arm or a leg. Fulla was created to represent the modern girls of the middle east, wearing the veil, and foregoing skimpy skirts that are traditionally worn by Barbie, Skipper & the American dolls. She can still don jeans, and more up-to-date, yet conservative fashion, with her slightly less busty figure. (Who isn't less busty when compared to Barbie?!)
No plans yet on getting Fulla boyfriend, its said that it would be inappropriate by Arab standards. But she does have two lighter haired friends, Yasmine & Nada.
Happy shopping.
About 70% of Egyptian women still choose to dress in the traditional arabic style, never showing an arm or a leg. Fulla was created to represent the modern girls of the middle east, wearing the veil, and foregoing skimpy skirts that are traditionally worn by Barbie, Skipper & the American dolls. She can still don jeans, and more up-to-date, yet conservative fashion, with her slightly less busty figure. (Who isn't less busty when compared to Barbie?!)
No plans yet on getting Fulla boyfriend, its said that it would be inappropriate by Arab standards. But she does have two lighter haired friends, Yasmine & Nada.
Happy shopping.

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