Saturday, December 18, 2004

You Can't Take It With You

I've noticed that it's the little things in life that seem to mean the most.
Have you ever noticed how caught up we all get in looking our best, and acquiring mass amounts of useless crap? I know that when I die I won't be able to take any of the garbage I've acquired to my grave, or beyond, so why is it so important?
Every January 1st most people make a New Year's Resolution, one that usually isn't kept. I am making mine early, and I am going to keep it. I am going to stop worrying about who's wearing what, and what kind of car so & so is driving. I don't care that I don't have the nicest car or the top of the line clothes. I know that I can't afford to drop money left and right on a whim. That is okay with me. I just don't act like it most of the time. I usually throw a mini-temper tantrum (only God is invited to this one) and say "Why does (insert name here) have this & that, and I am working so hard and I have nothing?!"
I need to learn to be a good steward of what God has given me. I need to learn to be thankful for what I do have. I know that God wants to bless me, His word says so. I don't doubt that for a minute. Maybe I am not in my dream job right now. Maybe I did work really hard in the past, but I got too big for my britches. I believe that sometimes God needs us to take a different route to get to our final destination. I believe that sometimes God wants to humble us.
Have you ever heard the saying that the Poor are closer to God? It's true.
I am BROKE right now, and my faith in God has grown exponentially. I am learning to rely on Him all over again. It's not by my strength, but by His. He will take care of me.
So from now on, instead of worrying why I don't have, I am going to start thanking God for what I do have.


Mal said...

Another day, another dollar. In the hole.

Actually, you can take it with you. I just doubt that a bunch of moldy sheet metal and plastic is going to do you much good in the afterlife. Personally, I'm being cremated. Not much chance of bringing anything out of THAT room.

Too bad I'm on the opposite coast, Val .. I'd look you up and buy you a coffee. [smile]

Have a better week. Remember that just because all the holiday cliches are cliches DOESN'T mean they aren't true, just well used.

So .. things will get better.
It really is darkest before the dawn.
Tomorrow really is another day.

And, of course, the early bird may get the worm, but who wants worms for breakfast, anyhow?

I know, that one doesn't mean anything - but this whole blog thing is a "stream of consciousness" anyhow, right? Or possibly semi-conciousness. [sigh]


thelovelyval said...

You are wonderful.A good soul, which is hard to find these days. Have a very Merry Christmas, and would you post something to your blog already? It's been like 6 weeks! C'mon, you're better than this!

Mal said...

Did already, dear .. just for you. [smile]