Keep it in your pants boys...
Four U.S. Marines are being charged with RAPE after a 22-year old Filipino woman accused the soldiers of gang-rape. Originally there were six soldiers charged. Two men have had the charges dropped, and afidavits have been submitted by 5 Marines.
A Filipino van driver is considered an accomplice to the crime, and is also being charged. The Marines are being held at the U.S. Embassy.
Visiting Forces Agreements maintain that the charges and trial must be resolved in one years time.
Philipine and U.S. relations were only recently repaired in 1999, thru the VFA agreement, before that, Philipine Senators ended the treaty that allowed naval & air bases to be occupied by the U.S., that were once used for staging areas during Vietnam.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Laura Bush Joins Reality TV Show
September 28, 2005Laura Bush Joins Hit Makeover Show as It Focuses on Storm Victims
BILOXI, Miss., Sept. 27 - A desperate housewife in the White House? That was so pre-hurricane.
Laura Bush has moved on to reality television.
Mrs. Bush flew here on Tuesday for a cameo on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," the blockbuster ABC show that usually does impromptu remodeling for disadvantaged homeowners but is now taking supplies to hurricane victims for segments to be shown later this year.
She met with some of the victims, passed out clothing and listened intently to tales of destruction, with a film crew following her and a boom microphone hovering overhead.
"Obviously, there are so many homes to be remade over here," Mrs. Bush said afterward.
Earlier this year, Mrs. Bush jokingly compared herself to the lonely women of Wisteria Lane during a monologue at the White House correspondents' dinner in which she referred to "Desperate Housewives." With this trip, she continued a pattern of gently incorporating pop culture into her public appearances and using mainstream entertainment as a stage for conveying the softer side of the Bush administration.
She went on "Oprah" after the Sept. 11 attacks, appeared on "Dr. Phil" during the 2004 campaign and has been on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" repeatedly.
But with her husband still struggling to regain his political footing many weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, the decision to link her with reality TV had a whiff of the daring.
It also suggested that despite an increased effort by President Bush to address the hurricane crisis - his visit to Texas on Tuesday was his seventh to the area since Hurricane Katrina hit, hers was her fifth - the White House was casting about for more creative ways to convey its concern and manage public opinion.
The appearance had been in the works for months. The producers of the show extended an invitation to Mrs. Bush in April, but it was not until after Labor Day, and the storms, that White House officials found a time and location that worked.
Part of the appeal, an aide to Mrs. Bush said, is that the segments will not run until at least November, when public interest in the hurricane relief effort may have diminished but the need for donations and volunteers will remain high.
"The coverage will start to die off a little bit, as people are getting into the hardest time," said the aide, Susan Whitson, Mrs. Bush's press secretary. Her intent, she said, is "keeping this message out there as long as possible."
Keeping the excitement up on Tuesday was no great feat; if anything, producers had to plead for calm. Storm victims who had gathered at the Biloxi Community Center, where clothes donated by Sears, a show sponsor, were being distributed, waited eagerly with their cameras for Mrs. Bush to arrive.
"People walking in here, this is a surprise for you!" one director shouted at the crowd. "Don't stand here looking like you know what's coming."
Mrs. Bush later addressed the inherent challenge for the show: selecting just one home to rebuild.
"They haven't chosen one yet," she said. "I'm trying to encourage them to maybe choose a school or a library to do, which would help everybody in the community."
And Tom Forman, the show's creator and executive producer, said he had given no thought to any political reasons the White House might have had for wanting to participate.
"The thing about making this show is I packed up and put away my cynicism a long time ago," he said.
"I think given the scope of the disaster, you throw the rules out the window," he said. "And while we're certainly a nonpartisan show, I don't think she was there as a politician or a politician's wife or even as the first lady. I think she was there as someone who cares."
BILOXI, Miss., Sept. 27 - A desperate housewife in the White House? That was so pre-hurricane.
Laura Bush has moved on to reality television.
Mrs. Bush flew here on Tuesday for a cameo on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," the blockbuster ABC show that usually does impromptu remodeling for disadvantaged homeowners but is now taking supplies to hurricane victims for segments to be shown later this year.
She met with some of the victims, passed out clothing and listened intently to tales of destruction, with a film crew following her and a boom microphone hovering overhead.
"Obviously, there are so many homes to be remade over here," Mrs. Bush said afterward.
Earlier this year, Mrs. Bush jokingly compared herself to the lonely women of Wisteria Lane during a monologue at the White House correspondents' dinner in which she referred to "Desperate Housewives." With this trip, she continued a pattern of gently incorporating pop culture into her public appearances and using mainstream entertainment as a stage for conveying the softer side of the Bush administration.
She went on "Oprah" after the Sept. 11 attacks, appeared on "Dr. Phil" during the 2004 campaign and has been on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" repeatedly.
But with her husband still struggling to regain his political footing many weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, the decision to link her with reality TV had a whiff of the daring.
It also suggested that despite an increased effort by President Bush to address the hurricane crisis - his visit to Texas on Tuesday was his seventh to the area since Hurricane Katrina hit, hers was her fifth - the White House was casting about for more creative ways to convey its concern and manage public opinion.
The appearance had been in the works for months. The producers of the show extended an invitation to Mrs. Bush in April, but it was not until after Labor Day, and the storms, that White House officials found a time and location that worked.
Part of the appeal, an aide to Mrs. Bush said, is that the segments will not run until at least November, when public interest in the hurricane relief effort may have diminished but the need for donations and volunteers will remain high.
"The coverage will start to die off a little bit, as people are getting into the hardest time," said the aide, Susan Whitson, Mrs. Bush's press secretary. Her intent, she said, is "keeping this message out there as long as possible."
Keeping the excitement up on Tuesday was no great feat; if anything, producers had to plead for calm. Storm victims who had gathered at the Biloxi Community Center, where clothes donated by Sears, a show sponsor, were being distributed, waited eagerly with their cameras for Mrs. Bush to arrive.
"People walking in here, this is a surprise for you!" one director shouted at the crowd. "Don't stand here looking like you know what's coming."
Mrs. Bush later addressed the inherent challenge for the show: selecting just one home to rebuild.
"They haven't chosen one yet," she said. "I'm trying to encourage them to maybe choose a school or a library to do, which would help everybody in the community."
And Tom Forman, the show's creator and executive producer, said he had given no thought to any political reasons the White House might have had for wanting to participate.
"The thing about making this show is I packed up and put away my cynicism a long time ago," he said.
"I think given the scope of the disaster, you throw the rules out the window," he said. "And while we're certainly a nonpartisan show, I don't think she was there as a politician or a politician's wife or even as the first lady. I think she was there as someone who cares."
Monday, September 19, 2005
Worth Celebrating
I have to say that in all of my years, I have never known love & support the way that I did this weekend.
Thank you to everyone that prayed for my family this weekend in our time of need. God truly does answer prayers & proves Himself to be faithful!
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about...Here's a recap:
I received a call from my mom who was in hysterics on Saturday afternoon, and then a call from my younger brother. It seems that his ex-girlfriend had gotten pregnant, while they were still together. The baby is his. He wants to keep it, she does not.
My family asked me to call her & counsel her. I did call her & she listened tearfully, as I explained the stages of life, from conception, thru 12 weeks (which is how far along she is now).
She didn't know that the baby's fingers & toes were fully formed & visible. She didn't know it had a heart beat, or its own dna & brain waves. Of course she didn't. Planned Parenthood doesn't tell you that. And why would they, if they are going to make money off of the murder of your unborn.
After hanging up with this young girl, I had faith that she would make the right decision. I spoke with my family again & we continued to pray, and asked others to pray as well.
On Sunday morning my mom called & said that she had made her decision & would go through with her appointment as scheduled for this morning, Monday, at 10:30 am.
I got on the computer & sent out a mass email to over 100 people, asking for prayer.
At 3:30 pm, I received another phone call. She was going to keep the baby & let my family raise him (or her)!!
I am so excited to see what God has in store for this child. I know it must be amazing.
Its good to remember that while Planned Parenthood wants to say, "Every child should be a wanted child," we need to remember that just because the mother may not want it, that doesn't mean that someone else doesn't.
I too was supposed to be aborted. Thankfully, there was a family, my family, that wanted me. Next time you hear someone talk casually about the woman's right choose, consider the fathers right, and that he doesn't have one. Consider the baby's right. If we are all guaranteed "Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness," -we need to remember that the latter two are only possible with the first one.
Who will speak for those that have no voice? Hopefully, You Will.
Thank you to everyone that prayed for my family this weekend in our time of need. God truly does answer prayers & proves Himself to be faithful!
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about...Here's a recap:
I received a call from my mom who was in hysterics on Saturday afternoon, and then a call from my younger brother. It seems that his ex-girlfriend had gotten pregnant, while they were still together. The baby is his. He wants to keep it, she does not.
My family asked me to call her & counsel her. I did call her & she listened tearfully, as I explained the stages of life, from conception, thru 12 weeks (which is how far along she is now).
She didn't know that the baby's fingers & toes were fully formed & visible. She didn't know it had a heart beat, or its own dna & brain waves. Of course she didn't. Planned Parenthood doesn't tell you that. And why would they, if they are going to make money off of the murder of your unborn.
After hanging up with this young girl, I had faith that she would make the right decision. I spoke with my family again & we continued to pray, and asked others to pray as well.
On Sunday morning my mom called & said that she had made her decision & would go through with her appointment as scheduled for this morning, Monday, at 10:30 am.
I got on the computer & sent out a mass email to over 100 people, asking for prayer.
At 3:30 pm, I received another phone call. She was going to keep the baby & let my family raise him (or her)!!
I am so excited to see what God has in store for this child. I know it must be amazing.
Its good to remember that while Planned Parenthood wants to say, "Every child should be a wanted child," we need to remember that just because the mother may not want it, that doesn't mean that someone else doesn't.
I too was supposed to be aborted. Thankfully, there was a family, my family, that wanted me. Next time you hear someone talk casually about the woman's right choose, consider the fathers right, and that he doesn't have one. Consider the baby's right. If we are all guaranteed "Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness," -we need to remember that the latter two are only possible with the first one.
Who will speak for those that have no voice? Hopefully, You Will.
Friday, September 16, 2005
10 Most Famous Mensa Members
Funny how the only ACTOR/ACTRESS on the list is Gina Davis...
I guess we shouldnt hold our breath too much for Tim Robbins or George Clooney to make it on this list.
Everyone else listed is a writer, inventor, or has a REAL job, and is somewhat note worthy. What a thought. Finally, giving props to those that dont make millions of dollars for doing NOTHING...Genious!
I guess we shouldnt hold our breath too much for Tim Robbins or George Clooney to make it on this list.
Everyone else listed is a writer, inventor, or has a REAL job, and is somewhat note worthy. What a thought. Finally, giving props to those that dont make millions of dollars for doing NOTHING...Genious!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Ms. Plames Identity Revealed, but By Who?
A relatively unbiased report on the Plame leak. Who's to blame? Is it Rove, or hubby Joe Wilson?
Mr. Rove's Leak
PostFriday, July 15, 2005
THE UPROAR over Karl Rove's involvement in the leak of a CIA agent's identity makes this the third consecutive Washington summer to feature a tempest over what should have been a long-forgotten visit to the African nation of Niger by retired ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. There are serious questions about Mr. Rove's behavior, as well as his misleading public accounting for it during the past two years. Certainly, the revelation that Mr. Rove discussed Mr. Wilson's wife with at least one reporter undermines the White House's highhanded pronouncements that it was "just totally ridiculous" to think that Mr. Rove had anything to do with the leak of Valerie Plame's identity.
But much is still unknown, and Democratic demands that Mr. Rove be fired immediately seem premature given the murky state of the evidence. While we await more facts, it's worth remembering some from the previous episodes of this strange story -- including a few that have been mangled or forgotten.
Mr. Wilson made his trip in 2002 to look into reports that Iraq had sought to buy uranium from Niger. A year later, he publicly surfaced and loudly proclaimed that the Bush administration should have known that its conclusion that Iraq had sought such supplies, included in the president's 2003 State of the Union address, was wrong. He said he had debunked that theory and that his report had circulated at the highest levels of government.
One year after that, reports by two official investigations -- Britain's Butler Commission and the Senate intelligence committee -- demonstrated that Mr. Wilson's portrayal of himself as a whistle-blower was unwarranted. It turned out his report to the CIA had not altered, and may even have strengthened, the agency's conclusion that Iraq had explored uranium purchases from Niger. Moreover, his account had not reached Vice President Cheney or any other senior official. According to the Butler Commission, led by an independent jurist, the assertion about African uranium included in Mr. Bush's State of the Union speech was "well-founded."
That brings us to this year's dust-up, which concerns whether Mr. Rove or other administration officials should be held culpable for leaking to journalists the fact that Mr. Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA agent. Reporters were told that Ms. Plame recommended Mr. Wilson for the Niger trip -- a fact denied by Mr. Wilson but subsequently confirmed by the Senate investigation. A federal prosecutor is conducting a criminal probe that has, among other things, unearthed an e-mail from Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper revealing that Mr. Rove told him about Ms. Plame's role in her husband's trip.
This gives the lie to White House denials that Mr. Rove was involved in the leak. Mr. Rove and White House spokesman Scott McClellan can fairly be accused, at the very least, of responding to questions about the affair with the sort of misleading legalisms and evasions that Republicans once rightly condemned President Bill Clinton for employing. "I didn't know her name. I didn't leak her name," Mr. Rove told CNN last year. Technically true, perhaps, but hardly a model of straightforwardness and probity. Asked about the leak, Mr. McClellan waxed indignant: "That is not the way this White House operates," he said. Or is it?
At the same time, Mr. Rove and other administration officials had a legitimate interest in rebutting Mr. Wilson's inflated claims -- including the notion that he had been dispatched to Niger at Mr. Cheney's behest. It's in that context, judging from Mr. Cooper's e-mail, that Mr. Rove appears to have brought up Ms. Plame's role. Whether Mr. Rove or others behaved in a way that amounted to criminal, malicious or even merely sleazy behavior will turn on what they knew about Ms. Plame's employment. Were they aware she was a covert agent? Did they recklessly fail to consider that before revealing her involvement? How they learned about Ms. Plame also will matter: Did the information come from government sources or outside parties?
It may be that Mr. Rove, or someone else, will turn out to be guilty of deliberately leaking Ms. Plame's identity, knowing that it would blow her cover. Or officials may have conspired to cover up a leak or lied about it under oath. For now, however, it remains to be established that such misconduct occurred.
© 2005 The Washington Post Company
Mr. Rove's Leak
PostFriday, July 15, 2005
THE UPROAR over Karl Rove's involvement in the leak of a CIA agent's identity makes this the third consecutive Washington summer to feature a tempest over what should have been a long-forgotten visit to the African nation of Niger by retired ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. There are serious questions about Mr. Rove's behavior, as well as his misleading public accounting for it during the past two years. Certainly, the revelation that Mr. Rove discussed Mr. Wilson's wife with at least one reporter undermines the White House's highhanded pronouncements that it was "just totally ridiculous" to think that Mr. Rove had anything to do with the leak of Valerie Plame's identity.
But much is still unknown, and Democratic demands that Mr. Rove be fired immediately seem premature given the murky state of the evidence. While we await more facts, it's worth remembering some from the previous episodes of this strange story -- including a few that have been mangled or forgotten.
Mr. Wilson made his trip in 2002 to look into reports that Iraq had sought to buy uranium from Niger. A year later, he publicly surfaced and loudly proclaimed that the Bush administration should have known that its conclusion that Iraq had sought such supplies, included in the president's 2003 State of the Union address, was wrong. He said he had debunked that theory and that his report had circulated at the highest levels of government.
One year after that, reports by two official investigations -- Britain's Butler Commission and the Senate intelligence committee -- demonstrated that Mr. Wilson's portrayal of himself as a whistle-blower was unwarranted. It turned out his report to the CIA had not altered, and may even have strengthened, the agency's conclusion that Iraq had explored uranium purchases from Niger. Moreover, his account had not reached Vice President Cheney or any other senior official. According to the Butler Commission, led by an independent jurist, the assertion about African uranium included in Mr. Bush's State of the Union speech was "well-founded."
That brings us to this year's dust-up, which concerns whether Mr. Rove or other administration officials should be held culpable for leaking to journalists the fact that Mr. Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA agent. Reporters were told that Ms. Plame recommended Mr. Wilson for the Niger trip -- a fact denied by Mr. Wilson but subsequently confirmed by the Senate investigation. A federal prosecutor is conducting a criminal probe that has, among other things, unearthed an e-mail from Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper revealing that Mr. Rove told him about Ms. Plame's role in her husband's trip.
This gives the lie to White House denials that Mr. Rove was involved in the leak. Mr. Rove and White House spokesman Scott McClellan can fairly be accused, at the very least, of responding to questions about the affair with the sort of misleading legalisms and evasions that Republicans once rightly condemned President Bill Clinton for employing. "I didn't know her name. I didn't leak her name," Mr. Rove told CNN last year. Technically true, perhaps, but hardly a model of straightforwardness and probity. Asked about the leak, Mr. McClellan waxed indignant: "That is not the way this White House operates," he said. Or is it?
At the same time, Mr. Rove and other administration officials had a legitimate interest in rebutting Mr. Wilson's inflated claims -- including the notion that he had been dispatched to Niger at Mr. Cheney's behest. It's in that context, judging from Mr. Cooper's e-mail, that Mr. Rove appears to have brought up Ms. Plame's role. Whether Mr. Rove or others behaved in a way that amounted to criminal, malicious or even merely sleazy behavior will turn on what they knew about Ms. Plame's employment. Were they aware she was a covert agent? Did they recklessly fail to consider that before revealing her involvement? How they learned about Ms. Plame also will matter: Did the information come from government sources or outside parties?
It may be that Mr. Rove, or someone else, will turn out to be guilty of deliberately leaking Ms. Plame's identity, knowing that it would blow her cover. Or officials may have conspired to cover up a leak or lied about it under oath. For now, however, it remains to be established that such misconduct occurred.
© 2005 The Washington Post Company
Friday, July 08, 2005
Controversial, but Important
I posted this on my other blog & was asked to remove it by someone. If you have had an abortion & do not want to read about it, then do not continue any further... Thank you.
My name could have been David
My name could have been Kelly
I could have invented a cure for cancer
I could have been the first female president
I would have had brothers and sisters
I would have been the first grandbaby.
I could have been an amazing dancer
I could have been on broadway
I could have gone to Harvard
I could have gone to Oxford
I would have loved to bring world peace
I would have opened a huge orphanage in Africa
I could have brought peace in Korea
I could have ended communism in China
But my life ended shortly
I was burned alive
I loved my mommy very much
But she didn't love me
She didn't think I was worth the sacrifice it takes to be a mommy
I died when I was 10 weeks old
I didn't know what was happening
It began to get very hot, and I couldn't breathe
I began burning alive
Then as I was being born, I saw my mommy, for the first and last time ever
The only thing I heard her say was that she was glad to be rid of me.
One abortion proceedure is done with a saline acidic solution injected into the womb of the mother. The solution than rises the temperature of the fluids inside of the mothers womb and heats up the babies body. As this takes place, it also burns the baby while it is still alive. As the baby inhales the hot womb water polluted by the saline acid, the baby's inards are burned causing the heart to stop. 1 in every 300 abortion attempts fail, and the baby is prematurely born and burned...ALIVE.Whether you admit it or not abortion is wrong there is no such thing as pro choice, the baby doesn't get a choice, and you are taking a human life.
My name could have been David
My name could have been Kelly
I could have invented a cure for cancer
I could have been the first female president
I would have had brothers and sisters
I would have been the first grandbaby.
I could have been an amazing dancer
I could have been on broadway
I could have gone to Harvard
I could have gone to Oxford
I would have loved to bring world peace
I would have opened a huge orphanage in Africa
I could have brought peace in Korea
I could have ended communism in China
But my life ended shortly
I was burned alive
I loved my mommy very much
But she didn't love me
She didn't think I was worth the sacrifice it takes to be a mommy
I died when I was 10 weeks old
I didn't know what was happening
It began to get very hot, and I couldn't breathe
I began burning alive
Then as I was being born, I saw my mommy, for the first and last time ever
The only thing I heard her say was that she was glad to be rid of me.
One abortion proceedure is done with a saline acidic solution injected into the womb of the mother. The solution than rises the temperature of the fluids inside of the mothers womb and heats up the babies body. As this takes place, it also burns the baby while it is still alive. As the baby inhales the hot womb water polluted by the saline acid, the baby's inards are burned causing the heart to stop. 1 in every 300 abortion attempts fail, and the baby is prematurely born and burned...ALIVE.Whether you admit it or not abortion is wrong there is no such thing as pro choice, the baby doesn't get a choice, and you are taking a human life.
A Good Thing
You know I was offered a political job in New Mexico. This was a position that I was MADE for. Or it was made for me. Either way, the people I know out there are telling me that it's a good thing that I did not make the decision to go out there.
I struggled with making that decision. I thought "This is what I do. I have to take this job. What else will I do?" But the more I thought about it, and the more I prayed about it, I just knew that I could NOT make that trip. I could not move again for a job.
It turns out that one of my friends that is working on this campaign has just had his salary cut almost in HALF. The chairman of the NM Republican party is totally crazy & has told him that he made the adjustments to his salary and there is nothing that he can do about it. Apparently the person that was hired in my place was already fired by this chairman.
Sometimes you just know that its a bad move, you just have to learn to listen to your instincts and that inner voice.
I struggled with making that decision. I thought "This is what I do. I have to take this job. What else will I do?" But the more I thought about it, and the more I prayed about it, I just knew that I could NOT make that trip. I could not move again for a job.
It turns out that one of my friends that is working on this campaign has just had his salary cut almost in HALF. The chairman of the NM Republican party is totally crazy & has told him that he made the adjustments to his salary and there is nothing that he can do about it. Apparently the person that was hired in my place was already fired by this chairman.
Sometimes you just know that its a bad move, you just have to learn to listen to your instincts and that inner voice.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
There is a young boy laying in a hospital bed right now fighting for his life. He is fighting a head injury. A cracked skull, broken cheek bone, contusions, crushed sinus' & a blood clot.
As of right now, I don't know what is going on in his little body, or how much longer he will be in ICC. I don't know how to fight for him, or for his family, so at this time, all I can do is sit & pray.
I ask that you would do the same.
You probably don't know him. His name is Chase Sexton & his grandfather is the famed preacher Tommy Barnett.
Little Tommy Chase & I have a special bond. He was in my Pre-school class (*called Rainbows in the Assemblies of God denomination) that I taught ten years ago. And every Sunday since he was a young child he would grin at me with a twinkle in his eye, and a look of certain mischief (he looks just like his grandfather, twinkle & all). He'd give me hugs. He would tell me that he loved me. He would share his candy with me too. (For a small boy, that's a pretty big thing.)
He was on my team at youth camp for the last two years. Last year, 2004, he let me dress him up like a girl & put makeup on him. He smiled & laughed about it. He was "Olga, the Test Tube baby." He got more laughs than anyone else on the stage. Poor guy lost his voice, so you couldn't hear him recite his lines over the laughter.
This year he begged me to let him do something cool again at camp. He dressed up like a Sumo wrestler for our skit & donned a cowboy hat. Sure enough by the time we got on stage to do our skit, he had lost his voice again! (It's from all of that team spirit & cheering for his friends during the games!) This year he played Pastor Todd. Again, he got the most laughs, and no one could hear him because of it!
He sat with me at breakfast one morning & told me how much he loved me. He told me that I was the coolest youth leader ever. He wanted to be on my team EVERY YEAR! I always think that I am going to quit youth leadership, but Chase & others like him remind me why I continue on. When you have a friend like that, sometimes you need them more than they need you.
For the last two years he was nominated as "Camper of the Year." He sacrificed for his team mates. He would do ANYTHING that was asked of him. He played all the games, he sang songs, gave input when asked for it, and even encouraged the other campers to listen and have "Happy Hearts."
When I got the news that his little body was being air-evac'd to Phoenix, from Payson (where he was visiting his paternal family), I was in shock. It has never crossed my mind that Chase wouldn't be around. Or that anything could happen to him. He was invincible. He was the kid that looked forward to goofy stunts, he did that stuff to get a laugh out of people.
Chase always wanted to make someone smile. He didn't care if he knew you or not. He didn't care if you knew who he was. If you were happy or sad, rich or poor. Chase was like a miniature version of his grandfather.
When I was four I started attending Phoenix First. I was poor. I was abused. I didn't have the prettiest dresses or the neatest hair. I rode the busses to church. Pastor Barnett used to put his arms around me and hug me & tell me that he loved me so much. It didn't matter to him that I wasn't the prettiest girl or that my parents didn't give thousands of dollars a year to the church.
Tommy Chase is the same way. I don't drive the nicest car. I don't have the most expensive clothes. I live in a good neighborhood, but its not as nice as others. Chase still gave me a hug every time he saw me. He still makes sure to tell me that I'm the best and that he loves me. Just like his grandpa Barnett.
It's because of people like Pastor Barnett & his grandson, Chase, that I have known the love of God. I have known that not everyone is concerned with the outward appearance, but with the relationship that comes from within. They understand that God looks at the innerman, not the outerman. Pastor Barnett & Chase show others that they love you for who you are inside, for who you will be inside, one day.
That is why Chase is going to be okay. Because if he isn't then there will be no one to carry on the legacy of finding a need and filling it. When I need a hug or a smile you had better believe that Chase is one person that I look for. Chase has a purpose in his young life. He knows what it is & he walks in that everyday.
This is why I know that God is holding Chase right now. He is protecting him. He is healing him as we speak. Because people need to know Christ's love & Chase may be the only way that they ever know it.
As of right now, I don't know what is going on in his little body, or how much longer he will be in ICC. I don't know how to fight for him, or for his family, so at this time, all I can do is sit & pray.
I ask that you would do the same.
You probably don't know him. His name is Chase Sexton & his grandfather is the famed preacher Tommy Barnett.
Little Tommy Chase & I have a special bond. He was in my Pre-school class (*called Rainbows in the Assemblies of God denomination) that I taught ten years ago. And every Sunday since he was a young child he would grin at me with a twinkle in his eye, and a look of certain mischief (he looks just like his grandfather, twinkle & all). He'd give me hugs. He would tell me that he loved me. He would share his candy with me too. (For a small boy, that's a pretty big thing.)
He was on my team at youth camp for the last two years. Last year, 2004, he let me dress him up like a girl & put makeup on him. He smiled & laughed about it. He was "Olga, the Test Tube baby." He got more laughs than anyone else on the stage. Poor guy lost his voice, so you couldn't hear him recite his lines over the laughter.
This year he begged me to let him do something cool again at camp. He dressed up like a Sumo wrestler for our skit & donned a cowboy hat. Sure enough by the time we got on stage to do our skit, he had lost his voice again! (It's from all of that team spirit & cheering for his friends during the games!) This year he played Pastor Todd. Again, he got the most laughs, and no one could hear him because of it!
He sat with me at breakfast one morning & told me how much he loved me. He told me that I was the coolest youth leader ever. He wanted to be on my team EVERY YEAR! I always think that I am going to quit youth leadership, but Chase & others like him remind me why I continue on. When you have a friend like that, sometimes you need them more than they need you.
For the last two years he was nominated as "Camper of the Year." He sacrificed for his team mates. He would do ANYTHING that was asked of him. He played all the games, he sang songs, gave input when asked for it, and even encouraged the other campers to listen and have "Happy Hearts."
When I got the news that his little body was being air-evac'd to Phoenix, from Payson (where he was visiting his paternal family), I was in shock. It has never crossed my mind that Chase wouldn't be around. Or that anything could happen to him. He was invincible. He was the kid that looked forward to goofy stunts, he did that stuff to get a laugh out of people.
Chase always wanted to make someone smile. He didn't care if he knew you or not. He didn't care if you knew who he was. If you were happy or sad, rich or poor. Chase was like a miniature version of his grandfather.
When I was four I started attending Phoenix First. I was poor. I was abused. I didn't have the prettiest dresses or the neatest hair. I rode the busses to church. Pastor Barnett used to put his arms around me and hug me & tell me that he loved me so much. It didn't matter to him that I wasn't the prettiest girl or that my parents didn't give thousands of dollars a year to the church.
Tommy Chase is the same way. I don't drive the nicest car. I don't have the most expensive clothes. I live in a good neighborhood, but its not as nice as others. Chase still gave me a hug every time he saw me. He still makes sure to tell me that I'm the best and that he loves me. Just like his grandpa Barnett.
It's because of people like Pastor Barnett & his grandson, Chase, that I have known the love of God. I have known that not everyone is concerned with the outward appearance, but with the relationship that comes from within. They understand that God looks at the innerman, not the outerman. Pastor Barnett & Chase show others that they love you for who you are inside, for who you will be inside, one day.
That is why Chase is going to be okay. Because if he isn't then there will be no one to carry on the legacy of finding a need and filling it. When I need a hug or a smile you had better believe that Chase is one person that I look for. Chase has a purpose in his young life. He knows what it is & he walks in that everyday.
This is why I know that God is holding Chase right now. He is protecting him. He is healing him as we speak. Because people need to know Christ's love & Chase may be the only way that they ever know it.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Love Lost

It's not that I want to be in DC or anything, I mean, not permanently...Obviously, since I did move home & all, but there are certain things that I miss. I miss not having to drive ANYWHERE. I hate to drive, and the fact that the beast is on its way out, makes me upset that Phoenix doesn't have a decent public transit system. (I could walk 5 blocks to the Metro station & be anywhere I needed or wanted to be in 10-15 minutes, or LESS!)
I miss getting up in the morning & looking out of my balcony.
I miss seeing the changing leaves (obviously this is not an issue right now- they would be bright green, and so beautiful anyway). I miss being near historical sites and minutes from where it all is happening. I miss that feeling of excitement you get from just walking down the streets. At any given time when you step out onto D street, or K street, or wherever, there is this hustle from all the people around you. This sense of urgency that says, "move or be moved." I moved home partly because I didn't like the people in D.C., but I really did love this aspect of life. I am a mover & a shaker. I want to be in the middle of it all. Whatever "it all" is. That's where I want to be.
I find life in Phoenix can be fast paced, if you let it. I haven't gotten back into my groove of being "in it" all the time. I am looking to be "in it" in a different way than I was before I left though. I don't want to be everywhere just for the sake of being everywhere. I want it to have meaning and purpose this time around. I dont want to be busy because I am afraid of being alone, or because I want to look important. I want to make an actual difference. I guess that's why I moved to NV and the DC in the first place, and ultimately why I moved home. I didn't make much of a difference in DC, I need to make a difference.
But, if I am honest with myself, I know that there is one thing that I miss more than anything. That is the friends that I lost when I moved. People that I shared my life with. People that I thought would be around for forever. I respected these people, and I thought it was mutual. Its a shame that their respect for me was lost when I came back to Phoenix. I know that God gives us people for a moment, a season & a lifetime & it is up to us to figure out what impact we will let them have on our lives. I am just sad that things ended so badly.
In my quest in this life to make sure that I've apologized to people that I've hurt, to make amends with people that I've loved and lost, this is my time to say, "I am sorry." I wanted it to work, but it didn't. Be happy for me that I've found my place. I will always hold a special place for you in my heart, and I sincerely hope that you will do the same for me.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
The Pearls
The Pearls Story
A cheerful girl with bouncing golden curls was almost five. Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them: a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box.
"Oh please, Mommy. Can I have them? Please. Mommy, please!" Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face.
"A dollar ninety-five. That's almost $2.00. If you really want them, I'll think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for yourself. Your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar bill from grandma."
As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies. After dinner, she did more then her share of chores and she went to the neighbor and asked if she could pick dandelions for 10 cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace.
Jenny loved her pearls. They made her feel dressed up and grown up. She wore them everywhere-Sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. The only time she took them off is when she went swimming or had a bubble bath. Mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story.
One night when he finished the story, he asked Jenny, "Do you love me?" "Oh yes Daddy. You know that I love you." "Then give me your pearls."
"Oh, Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have Princess-the white horse from my collection. The one with the pink tail. Remember, Daddy? The one you gave me. She's my favorite."
"That's okay, Honey, Daddy loves you. Good night." And he brushed her cheek with a kiss.
About a week later, after story time, Jenny's daddy asked again, "Do you love me?" "Daddy you know I love you." "Then give me your pearls."
"Oh Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my babydoll. The brand new one I got for my birthday. She is so beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper."
"That's okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one. Daddy loves you." And as always he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.
A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian-style. As he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek.
"What is it, Jenny? What's the matter?"
Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. And, when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. With a little quiver, she finally said, "Here Daddy. It's for you."
With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny's kind daddy reached out with one hand taking the dime-store necklace, and with the other hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of beautiful genuine pearls. He had had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so that he could give her genuine treasure.
Just like our heavenly father. What are you hanging on to?
--Author Unknown
<>< <>< <><
Sometimes I think about this story & I wonder what I am holding on to that is just a cheap immitation. God doesnt want to TAKE things from us. He doesnt need our worldly possessions, but when He asks you to give something up, its because He wants to give you something even BETTER. What are you holding on to? Is it a cheap, dime store immitation of God's best? Or is it God's good & perfect gift? (James 1:17)
The Bible says that when two or more agree together, asking anything in HIS name we will receive it. Maybe you should start agreeing for God's best in your life.
A cheerful girl with bouncing golden curls was almost five. Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them: a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box.
"Oh please, Mommy. Can I have them? Please. Mommy, please!" Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face.
"A dollar ninety-five. That's almost $2.00. If you really want them, I'll think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for yourself. Your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar bill from grandma."
As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies. After dinner, she did more then her share of chores and she went to the neighbor and asked if she could pick dandelions for 10 cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace.
Jenny loved her pearls. They made her feel dressed up and grown up. She wore them everywhere-Sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. The only time she took them off is when she went swimming or had a bubble bath. Mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story.
One night when he finished the story, he asked Jenny, "Do you love me?" "Oh yes Daddy. You know that I love you." "Then give me your pearls."
"Oh, Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have Princess-the white horse from my collection. The one with the pink tail. Remember, Daddy? The one you gave me. She's my favorite."
"That's okay, Honey, Daddy loves you. Good night." And he brushed her cheek with a kiss.
About a week later, after story time, Jenny's daddy asked again, "Do you love me?" "Daddy you know I love you." "Then give me your pearls."
"Oh Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my babydoll. The brand new one I got for my birthday. She is so beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper."
"That's okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one. Daddy loves you." And as always he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.
A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian-style. As he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek.
"What is it, Jenny? What's the matter?"
Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. And, when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. With a little quiver, she finally said, "Here Daddy. It's for you."
With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny's kind daddy reached out with one hand taking the dime-store necklace, and with the other hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of beautiful genuine pearls. He had had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so that he could give her genuine treasure.
Just like our heavenly father. What are you hanging on to?
--Author Unknown
<>< <>< <><
Sometimes I think about this story & I wonder what I am holding on to that is just a cheap immitation. God doesnt want to TAKE things from us. He doesnt need our worldly possessions, but when He asks you to give something up, its because He wants to give you something even BETTER. What are you holding on to? Is it a cheap, dime store immitation of God's best? Or is it God's good & perfect gift? (James 1:17)
The Bible says that when two or more agree together, asking anything in HIS name we will receive it. Maybe you should start agreeing for God's best in your life.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Down in My Heart
For those of you that went to Sunday School or Children's Church or Kids Camp or Vacation Bible School (yes, I did all of them), you know that line, and probably the whole song that it is from.
The Bible says, "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10, NIV)
I think sometimes we forget that happiness & joy are two VERY different things. Happiness is a feeling. People can make us happy, but they can also make us sad, hurt or mad. Our circumstances change our feelings & mood changes.
When our life is centered in Christ, only then do we know real joy. That doesn't mean that our life is perfect, usually we are no better than those that do not have a Christ centered relationship. The only difference is that we have a HOPE that tells us that everything will work out.
When the paycheck doesn't seem to stretch far enough, and the rent is due, your phone is shut off & the car needs an oil change, its easiest to quit. But there is something inside that tells you to keep going & that everything will turn out, that is God's hope for something better, but what keeps you going is His JOY. ("And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28)
When you are grieving for the loss of someone or something, just knowing that they are in a better place & knowing that they lived a great & prosperous life- that is JOY.
If you feel empty inside, remember what the Bible says, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."- Psalm 28:7
<>< <>< <>< <><
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
down in my heart
down in my heart
down in my heart
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
down in my heart
down in my heart to stay.
I've got the peace that passes understanding
down in my heart
I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
down in my heart
I've got the wonderful love of my blessed redeemer
way down in the depths of my heart
The Bible says, "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10, NIV)
I think sometimes we forget that happiness & joy are two VERY different things. Happiness is a feeling. People can make us happy, but they can also make us sad, hurt or mad. Our circumstances change our feelings & mood changes.
When our life is centered in Christ, only then do we know real joy. That doesn't mean that our life is perfect, usually we are no better than those that do not have a Christ centered relationship. The only difference is that we have a HOPE that tells us that everything will work out.
When the paycheck doesn't seem to stretch far enough, and the rent is due, your phone is shut off & the car needs an oil change, its easiest to quit. But there is something inside that tells you to keep going & that everything will turn out, that is God's hope for something better, but what keeps you going is His JOY. ("And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28)
When you are grieving for the loss of someone or something, just knowing that they are in a better place & knowing that they lived a great & prosperous life- that is JOY.
If you feel empty inside, remember what the Bible says, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."- Psalm 28:7
<>< <>< <>< <><
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
down in my heart
down in my heart
down in my heart
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
down in my heart
down in my heart to stay.
I've got the peace that passes understanding
down in my heart
I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
down in my heart
I've got the wonderful love of my blessed redeemer
way down in the depths of my heart

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Theme for Today
Last night I started counseling with our marraige pastor. No, I'm not married. But I realized some stuff about myself this past week @ camp. I have some really deep issues with rejection and pain. I've never dealt with them & I feel its hindering my relationships with others, especially my relationship with Christ.
If those that are supposed to love as Christ loved cannot treat me well, how do I expect to feel love from someone that is not tangible? Right now, this is my theme song...I have to believe & know that HE is my all in all, the only one that I need. That HIS grace is sufficient...
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising up again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
If those that are supposed to love as Christ loved cannot treat me well, how do I expect to feel love from someone that is not tangible? Right now, this is my theme song...I have to believe & know that HE is my all in all, the only one that I need. That HIS grace is sufficient...
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising up again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
A Tribute
I found out this morning that a man that I love dearly passed away. This brings to mind the old saying "life is short." While this is true, I still feel that there are a few things that people should know about Pastor Jack Wallace, as a tribute to him, his wife & the life that they lead for many years.
I met Pastor Jack when I was 8 years old. I had been living with my aunt & uncle for two and a half years and during that time my uncle sexually abused me. Pastor Jack wanted to talk to me. He wanted me to know that it wasn't my fault. I wasn't dirty. I wasn't ag bad person. He wanted me to know that not all men were bad & He wanted to help me.
I was afraid of him. He was a big man (of course when I was 8, who wasn't?) with lots of books sitting on his shelves. He sat in a big chair behind his big desk. His voice was loud. I started to cry. I couldn't look at him. I was so afraid to tell him what had happened to me. But Pastor Jack loved me anyway. He put his arms around me and he let me cry. He prayed for me. He loved me in the purest form of the word. Then, he asked me if I wanted to talk with his wife.
Gael Wallace was the epitome of what every young girl at Phoenix First wanted to be. She had long blonde hair, a slim figure, and the sweetest smile you could ever imagine. She came to my house twice a week for as long as I could remember. She used to talk to me, and love me. She encouraged me constantly. She taught me how to be a real woman of God. She taught me, through her actions & the way she lived on a daily basis, what the Proverbs 31 woman was.
When Pastor Jack & Gael were trying to have kids, they told me "When we have a little girl, we want her to be just like you." I've never forgotten that.
My whole life I felt like I was never good enough for anyone. I felt unloved, wronged and dirty. They made me feel like I was worthy of love. They made me understand God's love, and what it was to love others & be unselfish.
Pastor Jack accepted a job in Detroit & they moved with their little baby Kaitlyn. I was 9 years old, almost 10 at the time. I saw them every year when Pastor Jack would come back to speak at Phoenix First, or at the Athletes Conference or for a visit for Pastors School. I looked forward to those times more than any other guest Preacher we had at Phoenix First.
Pastor Jack & Gael never forgot who I was. I never forgot who they were. Jack Wallace's memory will live on in my heart, and when I am blessed enough to have children, I hope that my little boy is just like him. I want everyone to know how special the Wallace Family is to me, and remind you to please keep Gael, Kaitlyn & Hannah in your prayers. They kept me in theirs for a long time, when I needed it most.
I met Pastor Jack when I was 8 years old. I had been living with my aunt & uncle for two and a half years and during that time my uncle sexually abused me. Pastor Jack wanted to talk to me. He wanted me to know that it wasn't my fault. I wasn't dirty. I wasn't ag bad person. He wanted me to know that not all men were bad & He wanted to help me.
I was afraid of him. He was a big man (of course when I was 8, who wasn't?) with lots of books sitting on his shelves. He sat in a big chair behind his big desk. His voice was loud. I started to cry. I couldn't look at him. I was so afraid to tell him what had happened to me. But Pastor Jack loved me anyway. He put his arms around me and he let me cry. He prayed for me. He loved me in the purest form of the word. Then, he asked me if I wanted to talk with his wife.
Gael Wallace was the epitome of what every young girl at Phoenix First wanted to be. She had long blonde hair, a slim figure, and the sweetest smile you could ever imagine. She came to my house twice a week for as long as I could remember. She used to talk to me, and love me. She encouraged me constantly. She taught me how to be a real woman of God. She taught me, through her actions & the way she lived on a daily basis, what the Proverbs 31 woman was.
When Pastor Jack & Gael were trying to have kids, they told me "When we have a little girl, we want her to be just like you." I've never forgotten that.
My whole life I felt like I was never good enough for anyone. I felt unloved, wronged and dirty. They made me feel like I was worthy of love. They made me understand God's love, and what it was to love others & be unselfish.
Pastor Jack accepted a job in Detroit & they moved with their little baby Kaitlyn. I was 9 years old, almost 10 at the time. I saw them every year when Pastor Jack would come back to speak at Phoenix First, or at the Athletes Conference or for a visit for Pastors School. I looked forward to those times more than any other guest Preacher we had at Phoenix First.
Pastor Jack & Gael never forgot who I was. I never forgot who they were. Jack Wallace's memory will live on in my heart, and when I am blessed enough to have children, I hope that my little boy is just like him. I want everyone to know how special the Wallace Family is to me, and remind you to please keep Gael, Kaitlyn & Hannah in your prayers. They kept me in theirs for a long time, when I needed it most.
Friday, May 13, 2005
So Bill O'Reilly reported the other night on the O'Reilly Factor that US Tax Payers were going to be forking out about a BILLION DOLLARS a year for illegal immigrant's healthcare.
Let me make a couple of statements, and you can agree or disagree, but just hear me out.
First off, know that I am totally against socialism, but this sounds to me like if we are going to provide for the illegals, maybe we should provide for those that are actually PAYING for it? Seriously.
Secondly, I don't have health insurance, neither do my parents, or my siblings. We've gone most of our lives without it. We've survived. Does having Health Insurance cause you to go to the doctor more? Are we prone to the hypochondriac way of thinking because we can be? (I understand that with Cancer on the rise, etc, it is important to go to the doctor for checkups, but seriously, I know people that sniffle & they are there...Usually on my dime.)
With all of that being said, here are some interesting stats for all of you:
80% of all violent crimes in Arizona are committed by illegal aliens.
90% of all murders are committed by illegal aliens.
It costs the US Taxpayers about $1 Billion a year just in HEALTHCARE (this doesn't count the cost of incarceration for those mentioned above).
Most people that are here are working to send money back to family in Mexico. This equates to be about $17 Billion a year. (About $1.7 B is from AZ alone.)
-This is the second largest income for Mexico. (Explains why Vincente Fox is so adamant in pushing the guest worker program, huh?)
If we were to impose a remittance tax on the money sent via Western Union, etc (wired back to Mexico) of 8%- the same as sales tax in AZ- we would be able to pay for the programs that are imposed on by illegals.
Remember that preventative programs are always cheaper then social/welfare programs.
Just a little something to chew on this weekend...Keep it in the back of your mind, this election cycle is gonna be a doozy & you can bet this is going to be a huge issue for AZ, and other border states.
Let me make a couple of statements, and you can agree or disagree, but just hear me out.
First off, know that I am totally against socialism, but this sounds to me like if we are going to provide for the illegals, maybe we should provide for those that are actually PAYING for it? Seriously.
Secondly, I don't have health insurance, neither do my parents, or my siblings. We've gone most of our lives without it. We've survived. Does having Health Insurance cause you to go to the doctor more? Are we prone to the hypochondriac way of thinking because we can be? (I understand that with Cancer on the rise, etc, it is important to go to the doctor for checkups, but seriously, I know people that sniffle & they are there...Usually on my dime.)
With all of that being said, here are some interesting stats for all of you:
80% of all violent crimes in Arizona are committed by illegal aliens.
90% of all murders are committed by illegal aliens.
It costs the US Taxpayers about $1 Billion a year just in HEALTHCARE (this doesn't count the cost of incarceration for those mentioned above).
Most people that are here are working to send money back to family in Mexico. This equates to be about $17 Billion a year. (About $1.7 B is from AZ alone.)
-This is the second largest income for Mexico. (Explains why Vincente Fox is so adamant in pushing the guest worker program, huh?)
If we were to impose a remittance tax on the money sent via Western Union, etc (wired back to Mexico) of 8%- the same as sales tax in AZ- we would be able to pay for the programs that are imposed on by illegals.
Remember that preventative programs are always cheaper then social/welfare programs.
Just a little something to chew on this weekend...Keep it in the back of your mind, this election cycle is gonna be a doozy & you can bet this is going to be a huge issue for AZ, and other border states.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Robbing the Woman of Her "Hoped-for-Future Child"
Not only does the above statement not make sense, its a completely asinine remark made against the pro-life, or should I say, sane community. The comment was made by Planned Parenthood of Arizona in regards to SB1052.
This bill is in reaction to the hundreds of women who are beaten, murdered and harmed in other ways, thus causing the death of their unborn children . The bill would make it a crime, manslaughter, in fact, for harming a woman & causing her to lose her child.
What is it about 9 months that makes a child a child? Do people not understand that a baby, in utero, has brain waves and a heart beat? At 22 days after conception a baby's heart beats with its own blood type. By six weeks brain waves are apparent & detectable. By eight weeks all internal organs are in place and have begun to form. By 11 weeks the baby's organs work on their own. (
Obviously the child cannot live on its own outside of the womb. In the same token, a 6 week old cannot live on its own. Without someone to care for, love and nurture the child, he too would surely die.
Why is it a crime for a 6 week old to be shaken to the point that his little brain bruises and swells causing trauma, or a new born to be dumped into a garbage can, or a three year old to be left in a hot car in the sweltering heat, all of them left to die, but it is never an issue for a child, in the womb, to be bludgeoned in utero, and somehow it shouldn't be comparable? If a child dies in cold blood, it should make no difference what the age.
When a woman is harmed and her child is harmed as well, how is it not 2 counts of manslaughter? 2 charges of attempted murder? 2 charges of assault with a deadly weapon?
I think that it is time for every man & woman to stand up and tell Janet Napolitano that it is never okay for a child to be harmed, and it is her duty to do something to save them.
Planned Parenthood can use the excuse that this is leading up to the repeal of abortion rights. I say that its leading up to common decency for America's Unborn. No matter what your view on abortion is, you have to agree that abortion is voluntary, beatings that cause a miscarriage are not. No woman deserves to be beaten (keep the crack comments to a minimum on this one, guys), and no child deserves to die a violent death.
Call the Governor and demand that she sign 1052 into law.
Telephone 602-542-4331
Fax 602-542-1381
This bill is in reaction to the hundreds of women who are beaten, murdered and harmed in other ways, thus causing the death of their unborn children . The bill would make it a crime, manslaughter, in fact, for harming a woman & causing her to lose her child.
What is it about 9 months that makes a child a child? Do people not understand that a baby, in utero, has brain waves and a heart beat? At 22 days after conception a baby's heart beats with its own blood type. By six weeks brain waves are apparent & detectable. By eight weeks all internal organs are in place and have begun to form. By 11 weeks the baby's organs work on their own. (
Obviously the child cannot live on its own outside of the womb. In the same token, a 6 week old cannot live on its own. Without someone to care for, love and nurture the child, he too would surely die.
Why is it a crime for a 6 week old to be shaken to the point that his little brain bruises and swells causing trauma, or a new born to be dumped into a garbage can, or a three year old to be left in a hot car in the sweltering heat, all of them left to die, but it is never an issue for a child, in the womb, to be bludgeoned in utero, and somehow it shouldn't be comparable? If a child dies in cold blood, it should make no difference what the age.
When a woman is harmed and her child is harmed as well, how is it not 2 counts of manslaughter? 2 charges of attempted murder? 2 charges of assault with a deadly weapon?
I think that it is time for every man & woman to stand up and tell Janet Napolitano that it is never okay for a child to be harmed, and it is her duty to do something to save them.
Planned Parenthood can use the excuse that this is leading up to the repeal of abortion rights. I say that its leading up to common decency for America's Unborn. No matter what your view on abortion is, you have to agree that abortion is voluntary, beatings that cause a miscarriage are not. No woman deserves to be beaten (keep the crack comments to a minimum on this one, guys), and no child deserves to die a violent death.
Call the Governor and demand that she sign 1052 into law.
Telephone 602-542-4331
Fax 602-542-1381
Monday, April 04, 2005
Mourning a Great Loss
I wanted to take a moment to say that it brings great sorrow to my heart to know that Pope John Paul II has passed on. My friend Julie says, "Once a Catholic, always a Catholic." In a way, that remark couldn't be more true. I was baptized in the Catholic church as a baby, and when I lived with my Aunt we went to Catholic Mass.
I learned to respect the culture and the beliefs and traditions. I learned to respect the Holy leader and his papacy. My hope is that in this sad moment, others will learn to respect it as well.
I learned to respect the culture and the beliefs and traditions. I learned to respect the Holy leader and his papacy. My hope is that in this sad moment, others will learn to respect it as well.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Finally, Canada Does Something Right
Canadian officials finally passed along a ruling on the Jeremy Hinzman case. If you aren't familiar with this loser, take a look at his own website:
He didn't want to go to war in Iraq, although he signed up for the Army & was stationed at Fort Bragg in 2001. He claims that he was brainwashed into joining the army, with promises of a better life and more security. Sorry, pal, but just because you thought joining the Army was going to be a cake walk & a free check doesn't mean that the poor Canadians should have to put up with you.
The Immigration and Refugee Board stated that Mr. Hinzman had not made a convincing or sufficient claim that he was persecuted in America. "Removal to the U.S. would not subject them personally to a risk to their lives or to a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment," the board decided. "There are no substantial grounds to believe that their removal to the U.S. will subject them personally to a danger of torture."
Finally, Canada gets it right.
When asked what would happen to him if forced to return to the US, Jeremy states, "I would go to jail if forced to return to the US. And the U.S. does have a law that states that deserters can, in a time of war, be subject to the death penalty. Although I say it is unlikely, the Bush administration is known to set precedents, so I wouldn't put anything past them." Maybe in this case, this wouldn't be a bad precedent to set?
Maybe Hinzman went about this all the wrong way. He should have asked Bill Clinton for help, then, in a few years, he can run for President.
He didn't want to go to war in Iraq, although he signed up for the Army & was stationed at Fort Bragg in 2001. He claims that he was brainwashed into joining the army, with promises of a better life and more security. Sorry, pal, but just because you thought joining the Army was going to be a cake walk & a free check doesn't mean that the poor Canadians should have to put up with you.
The Immigration and Refugee Board stated that Mr. Hinzman had not made a convincing or sufficient claim that he was persecuted in America. "Removal to the U.S. would not subject them personally to a risk to their lives or to a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment," the board decided. "There are no substantial grounds to believe that their removal to the U.S. will subject them personally to a danger of torture."
Finally, Canada gets it right.
When asked what would happen to him if forced to return to the US, Jeremy states, "I would go to jail if forced to return to the US. And the U.S. does have a law that states that deserters can, in a time of war, be subject to the death penalty. Although I say it is unlikely, the Bush administration is known to set precedents, so I wouldn't put anything past them." Maybe in this case, this wouldn't be a bad precedent to set?
Maybe Hinzman went about this all the wrong way. He should have asked Bill Clinton for help, then, in a few years, he can run for President.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The Right to Live, The Right to Die
While the Terri Schindler-Schiavo case is all over the news, it seems a bit reduntant for me to blog on the matter. However, I have a few things that I wonder about, in regards to the case, and I wonder if anyone else feels the same way...
1.) If Terri's heart attack was not because of her eating disorder (that she developed because her husband told her she was fat, constantly), but actually because of Michael and his abusive demeanor, should he be charged with a crime?
2.) If Terri had not been denied years of Physical Therapy, as doctors had ordered in the beginning, would she be okay today? (I have heard several moving stories of people who were in a "vegatative state" but after six months or so of pt they are mobile again.)
3.) If the Schindler's (Terri's parent's) whole-heartedly want to take over caring for Terri, shouldn't they be allowed? Why is Michael Schiavo fighting this? He's off the hook. Just let them take over, go live your life with your new girlfriend and two kids.
4.) Does anyone else think that Michael is creepy and bastardly? Who honestly withholds treatment from a woman that has a hope of regaining her life? Who speaks with such harsh words, as he has, and leaves her side to start a family with another woman? I understand needing to move on, but he wasn't doing a very good job of moving on in the first place. He could have easily gave up Power of Attorney, and THEN moved on with his life.
5.) Does the new girlfriend find it strange that her man is so cold hearted? Is she naive enough to believe that he would be different to her, if she were in the same situation?
I'm so perplexed on many levels, that I cannot fathom being in this situation. She obviously had hope at one time for a normal, or somewhat normal life. How can that be denied?
1.) If Terri's heart attack was not because of her eating disorder (that she developed because her husband told her she was fat, constantly), but actually because of Michael and his abusive demeanor, should he be charged with a crime?
2.) If Terri had not been denied years of Physical Therapy, as doctors had ordered in the beginning, would she be okay today? (I have heard several moving stories of people who were in a "vegatative state" but after six months or so of pt they are mobile again.)
3.) If the Schindler's (Terri's parent's) whole-heartedly want to take over caring for Terri, shouldn't they be allowed? Why is Michael Schiavo fighting this? He's off the hook. Just let them take over, go live your life with your new girlfriend and two kids.
4.) Does anyone else think that Michael is creepy and bastardly? Who honestly withholds treatment from a woman that has a hope of regaining her life? Who speaks with such harsh words, as he has, and leaves her side to start a family with another woman? I understand needing to move on, but he wasn't doing a very good job of moving on in the first place. He could have easily gave up Power of Attorney, and THEN moved on with his life.
5.) Does the new girlfriend find it strange that her man is so cold hearted? Is she naive enough to believe that he would be different to her, if she were in the same situation?
I'm so perplexed on many levels, that I cannot fathom being in this situation. She obviously had hope at one time for a normal, or somewhat normal life. How can that be denied?
Thursday, March 03, 2005
The Senator and the KKK
I hate to trudge up someone's past like this, but after Senator Robert Byrd's remarks on Tuesday, I feel that it's justified.
When someone makes a statement claiming that I am a Nazi because of my political affiliation, I get a little upset. Let's think this through for one second though.
The Nazi movement came based upon wanting to create a "Perfect Society." Men, women and children were murdered because of their looks, their capabilities in life, and their religious views. Because I am Polish (one quarter, so lets keep the Pollock jokes to a minimum, please), I would not have lasted a day under Hitler's regime. Ken Mehlman? Gone in a heart beat. Someone born with a deformity or a handicap? Shot to the head.
Let's talk about the party that does this on a daily basis and they fight for the right to be able to kill at will.
The Democratic Party platform allows for genocide, and borderline infanticide. By allowing procedures like Partial Birth Abortion, Selective Reduction and other medical cruelties, they are no better than the Nazis.
If a mother and father find out that the baby may have a handicap, or other health issues what does the doctor suggest? Abortion. If the life of that unborn child creates an inconvenience, what does NARAL, NOW & Planned Parenthood suggest? Abortion. If you have a handicapped infant, and you decide that you do not want to deal with the issues at hand, what does Professor Peter singer say you should do? Kill the child. Yes, its true. Do a google search on this wacko. He later rescinded his statement that it was okay to kill a handicapped child for up to 28 days, and said he thought it should be more like 2-3 years.
It leads me to call into question the various statements that have been made by the left in the past by people like George Soros of, and Senator Robert Byrd. If you allow children to be killed because you simply don't want them (or the old PP mantra, "Every Child Should Be a Wanted Child") then are you better than the Nazis?
I think its time to take a look at the platforms and discuss some changes that need to be made.
When someone makes a statement claiming that I am a Nazi because of my political affiliation, I get a little upset. Let's think this through for one second though.
The Nazi movement came based upon wanting to create a "Perfect Society." Men, women and children were murdered because of their looks, their capabilities in life, and their religious views. Because I am Polish (one quarter, so lets keep the Pollock jokes to a minimum, please), I would not have lasted a day under Hitler's regime. Ken Mehlman? Gone in a heart beat. Someone born with a deformity or a handicap? Shot to the head.
Let's talk about the party that does this on a daily basis and they fight for the right to be able to kill at will.
The Democratic Party platform allows for genocide, and borderline infanticide. By allowing procedures like Partial Birth Abortion, Selective Reduction and other medical cruelties, they are no better than the Nazis.
If a mother and father find out that the baby may have a handicap, or other health issues what does the doctor suggest? Abortion. If the life of that unborn child creates an inconvenience, what does NARAL, NOW & Planned Parenthood suggest? Abortion. If you have a handicapped infant, and you decide that you do not want to deal with the issues at hand, what does Professor Peter singer say you should do? Kill the child. Yes, its true. Do a google search on this wacko. He later rescinded his statement that it was okay to kill a handicapped child for up to 28 days, and said he thought it should be more like 2-3 years.
It leads me to call into question the various statements that have been made by the left in the past by people like George Soros of, and Senator Robert Byrd. If you allow children to be killed because you simply don't want them (or the old PP mantra, "Every Child Should Be a Wanted Child") then are you better than the Nazis?
I think its time to take a look at the platforms and discuss some changes that need to be made.
Conservative? Liberal? Or Just a Swinger?
USA Today is reporting that Sandra Day O'Connor is the deciding swing vote in the Ten Commandments case. This is usually the case in these types of issues, especially when it comes down to a liberal versus conservative point of view.
People have long argued about the place of religion in our government. People like the ACLU would like for us to believe that religion has no place in America. I would like everyone, including Justice O'Connor to remember that religion is why America was founded in the first place. Had it not been for the need to worship freely without persecution, we'd all still be part of the Church of England and the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War would never have happened.
But, it is a part of our history. We cannot forget the importance of religion in America. As much as people would like to disagree, ideology stems from religious beliefs, not all of the time, but a lot of the time. I believe in God and I am not offended by a statue of Moses and the Ten Commandments, which happens to be at the Supreme Court building.
Justice O'Connor needs to remember that she was appointed by President Reagan. A man that was devout in his faith. She needs to remember that this decision will effect not just two states, but the world, and generations to come. Hopefully she will stick to her guns and go with allowing these monuments to be displayed as a "museum."
The fact is, it happened. It's a part of history. If we don't allow the Bible stories to be told, what's next? Do we start to erase parts of history pertaining to wars that were fought to conserve the very freedom that we can no longer claim?
People have long argued about the place of religion in our government. People like the ACLU would like for us to believe that religion has no place in America. I would like everyone, including Justice O'Connor to remember that religion is why America was founded in the first place. Had it not been for the need to worship freely without persecution, we'd all still be part of the Church of England and the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War would never have happened.
But, it is a part of our history. We cannot forget the importance of religion in America. As much as people would like to disagree, ideology stems from religious beliefs, not all of the time, but a lot of the time. I believe in God and I am not offended by a statue of Moses and the Ten Commandments, which happens to be at the Supreme Court building.
Justice O'Connor needs to remember that she was appointed by President Reagan. A man that was devout in his faith. She needs to remember that this decision will effect not just two states, but the world, and generations to come. Hopefully she will stick to her guns and go with allowing these monuments to be displayed as a "museum."
The fact is, it happened. It's a part of history. If we don't allow the Bible stories to be told, what's next? Do we start to erase parts of history pertaining to wars that were fought to conserve the very freedom that we can no longer claim?
Side Note, from The Note
Every morning I receive an email from ABC's "The Note." It's a general overview of anything and everything going on in politics, in DC and abroad. If you haven't signed up for it yet, I suggest you do.
One thing I love about it: HUMOR. I love that they can take jabs at D's & R's, and it never seems to be bias. This morning something I found particularly funny was a "memo" to Howard Dean...Read on...
With successful trips to two Red States under your belt and not a single public (or even cowardly on-background) quote leveled against you from a Democratic strategist/leader/operative, you are off to a fine start. But there are some things we think you could do, uhm, better.
Here's our list:
1) Implied in your insistence that we call you "Governor" instead of "Chairman" seems to be a forlorn fondness for your former employ and a disdain for your current job. Keep this up and we may end up splitting the baby and just calling you "the politician-formerly-known-as-front-runner." [Keep this up and we may end up insisting that you call us "former McAuliffe staffers." Stings a little, doesn't it?]
2) We know you're sick of hearing it, but that's okay because frankly three weeks in, we're already sick of telling you: watch the language. Osama bin Laden is evil. Lionel Ritchie music is evil. Astroturf is evil. Republicans are not evil. Entirely.
3) The Fabulous Flournoy has been captaining the ship well, but we have no idea who her lieutenants are. Vagueness was okay on week one. And two. And arguably three. But we're now nearly on week four of the new Dean regime and we need two words our party seems allergic to "org chart."
4) Word to the wise staff is a constituency, and like any constituency you have to win us over. You can't do that if you won't talk to us. The last guy here wouldn't shut up and we loved him for it.
5) Psychologists say room decor reveals a lot about a person. Actually we just made that up. But it does sound like something they would say. Anyway, we're ascribing that to them to make a point: your office is too spare. Where's the campaign memorabilia, the 11 framed balanced budgets, the conspicuously absent Trippi photo, etc.?
6) Terry was to Cafe Milano as Howard is to . . . What? Until you can answer that question, you're not really our chairman. That said, we're here to serve. From what we've gathered from our time together so far, you're probably a tad more earthy; we recommend you consider Nora, Two Quail and Ben's Chili Bowl.
7) Get out there more. Yes, yes. We understand that you're trying to send the signal that you're here to work and don't wish to hog the limelight. But Sen. Clinton's first year in office proved that you can both stay low key and get more exposure for it.
8) Whenever you first ride the DC Metro, we wanna come with.
9) Look, we're not going to name names here, but we all know where you lodge while in town and, well, while admirable, we would feel safer if you upgraded to at least a Motel 6.
10) Stop lighting incense all over the building. People are growing suspicious.
11) It's always a good idea to let state parties know you might be coming to their state to visit. In advance, we mean.
12) Our blog: sure it's fun and all, necessary too, but NOT SUFFICIENT.
13) As you know from reading The Note every day, we're soclose to defeating bush on Social Security. So let's pony up some $ our side needs it.
14) Hello. We are your staff and we are here to help. Let us. Otherwise we'll turn into a soft, gentle people and it won't be pretty.
15) But on the other hand: hey hey, ho ho, some of us have got to go.
16) Can we keep Tina?
17) GOP leadership? '08ers? Tell us how to go after them. Bush no longer matters.
18) The Republican Party has a very clever plan to keep you from re-making your public image. Don't be fooled by that Ken Mehlman "good cop" stuff. You can be one of the best chairs this party has ever had, or you can end up a cartoonish joke.
19) Do you have a plan secret or otherwise for the next four years? If so and if it needs to be secret to work by all means, keep it secret.
20) Transitions are hard. For all of us.
Thanks for hearing us out.
One thing I love about it: HUMOR. I love that they can take jabs at D's & R's, and it never seems to be bias. This morning something I found particularly funny was a "memo" to Howard Dean...Read on...
With successful trips to two Red States under your belt and not a single public (or even cowardly on-background) quote leveled against you from a Democratic strategist/leader/operative, you are off to a fine start. But there are some things we think you could do, uhm, better.
Here's our list:
1) Implied in your insistence that we call you "Governor" instead of "Chairman" seems to be a forlorn fondness for your former employ and a disdain for your current job. Keep this up and we may end up splitting the baby and just calling you "the politician-formerly-known-as-front-runner." [Keep this up and we may end up insisting that you call us "former McAuliffe staffers." Stings a little, doesn't it?]
2) We know you're sick of hearing it, but that's okay because frankly three weeks in, we're already sick of telling you: watch the language. Osama bin Laden is evil. Lionel Ritchie music is evil. Astroturf is evil. Republicans are not evil. Entirely.
3) The Fabulous Flournoy has been captaining the ship well, but we have no idea who her lieutenants are. Vagueness was okay on week one. And two. And arguably three. But we're now nearly on week four of the new Dean regime and we need two words our party seems allergic to "org chart."
4) Word to the wise staff is a constituency, and like any constituency you have to win us over. You can't do that if you won't talk to us. The last guy here wouldn't shut up and we loved him for it.
5) Psychologists say room decor reveals a lot about a person. Actually we just made that up. But it does sound like something they would say. Anyway, we're ascribing that to them to make a point: your office is too spare. Where's the campaign memorabilia, the 11 framed balanced budgets, the conspicuously absent Trippi photo, etc.?
6) Terry was to Cafe Milano as Howard is to . . . What? Until you can answer that question, you're not really our chairman. That said, we're here to serve. From what we've gathered from our time together so far, you're probably a tad more earthy; we recommend you consider Nora, Two Quail and Ben's Chili Bowl.
7) Get out there more. Yes, yes. We understand that you're trying to send the signal that you're here to work and don't wish to hog the limelight. But Sen. Clinton's first year in office proved that you can both stay low key and get more exposure for it.
8) Whenever you first ride the DC Metro, we wanna come with.
9) Look, we're not going to name names here, but we all know where you lodge while in town and, well, while admirable, we would feel safer if you upgraded to at least a Motel 6.
10) Stop lighting incense all over the building. People are growing suspicious.
11) It's always a good idea to let state parties know you might be coming to their state to visit. In advance, we mean.
12) Our blog: sure it's fun and all, necessary too, but NOT SUFFICIENT.
13) As you know from reading The Note every day, we're soclose to defeating bush on Social Security. So let's pony up some $ our side needs it.
14) Hello. We are your staff and we are here to help. Let us. Otherwise we'll turn into a soft, gentle people and it won't be pretty.
15) But on the other hand: hey hey, ho ho, some of us have got to go.
16) Can we keep Tina?
17) GOP leadership? '08ers? Tell us how to go after them. Bush no longer matters.
18) The Republican Party has a very clever plan to keep you from re-making your public image. Don't be fooled by that Ken Mehlman "good cop" stuff. You can be one of the best chairs this party has ever had, or you can end up a cartoonish joke.
19) Do you have a plan secret or otherwise for the next four years? If so and if it needs to be secret to work by all means, keep it secret.
20) Transitions are hard. For all of us.
Thanks for hearing us out.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
okay, so the latest Fox Opinion Poll says that seven in ten Americans think that Hollywood is out of touch with their values.
All I have to say is "BIG SURPRISE!" -Did they really need to do a poll on this one?
All I have to say is "BIG SURPRISE!" -Did they really need to do a poll on this one?
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Side Note #2 for Today
Let me start this post out by saying I'm not an environmentalist, at all. However, can someone explain the sheer lunacy that was going on at Wendy's today?
I went in for lunch and when I left I asked for a refill on my diet coke and they threw away my cup and gave me a new one. I guess this could be some health code violation for me to reuse my cup, but this is the only time I've ever seen this done. Can someone please explain?
I'm glad to know that members of ELF (Earth Liberation Front) would never eat there...My favorite fast food place would be burned to the ground! Now, we only have to worry if Wendy's starts serving soy patties and organic veggies with goat's milk...
Oh yeah, YES, I do order Diet Soda with my fried chicken nuggets. They cancel each other out! ;o)~
I went in for lunch and when I left I asked for a refill on my diet coke and they threw away my cup and gave me a new one. I guess this could be some health code violation for me to reuse my cup, but this is the only time I've ever seen this done. Can someone please explain?
I'm glad to know that members of ELF (Earth Liberation Front) would never eat there...My favorite fast food place would be burned to the ground! Now, we only have to worry if Wendy's starts serving soy patties and organic veggies with goat's milk...
Oh yeah, YES, I do order Diet Soda with my fried chicken nuggets. They cancel each other out! ;o)~
Where Do You Draw the Line, Part Two
I received a rather nasty post from an unwelcome blogger. I don't care if you read my post, but please don't call me a hypocrite. I think we should live along the lines that we must agree to disagree. Trust me, I have read MANY blogs, and well, even the NEW YORK TIMES or the ARIZONA REPUBLIC, and been quite upset at what is there in black and white.
As decent human beings and as a general rule...Don't call me a hypocrite just because you don't believe as I do. At least I can back my faith and beliefs up with fact. Can you, Ms. Universal Unitaliterian United Church? As far as I'm concerned, that church was created to serve your needs and purposes not to have to be accountable to anyone or anything. It is people like you, who judge others, and then start your own religions because people are judged. Talk about being Ass Backwards!
Please see my comments to you in Where Do You Draw the Line.
Thank you for respecting my space.
As decent human beings and as a general rule...Don't call me a hypocrite just because you don't believe as I do. At least I can back my faith and beliefs up with fact. Can you, Ms. Universal Unitaliterian United Church? As far as I'm concerned, that church was created to serve your needs and purposes not to have to be accountable to anyone or anything. It is people like you, who judge others, and then start your own religions because people are judged. Talk about being Ass Backwards!
Please see my comments to you in Where Do You Draw the Line.
Thank you for respecting my space.
KAET Polls Show Napolitano Preferred Candidate over ALL Republicans
This wasn't the title of the story, but it might has well be.
Let's face it, ASU, KAET and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism are not known for being all too "Conservative Friendly." Sometimes I wonder where they pull these people from.
Anyhow, in a statewide telephone poll of 400 people here is what they found:
31% said they definitely WOULD support a second term.
28% probably would support a second term.
16% probably would NOT support her for a second term.
13% would definitely NOT support her for a second term.
What does this mean?
Well, I'm trying not to sound like I'm giving up, so here's what needs to happen...
We need every single vote from the WOULD NOT's, the PROBABLY WOULD NOT's, and no less than 3/4ths of the probably would supports to even hit the 50% mark. That's dead even.
According to this poll, J.D. Hayworth received only 28% to the Gov's 54% when paired up. Former Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley received 25% to Janet's 50% and, unfortunately, Former Governor Fife Symington received only 14% when matched up against Napolitano's 70%.
The fortunate thing is that we know that this poll simply cannot be true. J.D. Hayworth is one of the most beloved men in our state. I wouldn't go as far as to say that he's as loved as former Senator and Presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater, but I can see that it could reach that level. (Please see former post: Does Anyone Want to Run for Governor of AZ in '06, to read more about JD). So with keeping that hope in mind, these numbers are obviously incorrect.
Now getting back to reality. The problem with Fife Symington, and the reason that his chances are slim is not because he is a bad person, or a "crook" as I have heard recently. It's that most people that live in Arizona, did not live here during his full administration. They did not see the good that he did. Let's remind these newbies to Arizona of tax reductions, income growth and capital investments that he implemented as our 19th Governor. He was convicted on charges that had nothing to do with his policies. AND, lets not forget that he later was exonerated of all charges.
With that being said...We need to get down to business. One year is not far away. We are in trouble, and the Democrats know it.
Please sign up at as a volunteer, as a Team Leader, or join your local Young Republicans League. To find out more visit AND FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, MAKE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE!!
Let's face it, ASU, KAET and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism are not known for being all too "Conservative Friendly." Sometimes I wonder where they pull these people from.
Anyhow, in a statewide telephone poll of 400 people here is what they found:
31% said they definitely WOULD support a second term.
28% probably would support a second term.
16% probably would NOT support her for a second term.
13% would definitely NOT support her for a second term.
What does this mean?
Well, I'm trying not to sound like I'm giving up, so here's what needs to happen...
We need every single vote from the WOULD NOT's, the PROBABLY WOULD NOT's, and no less than 3/4ths of the probably would supports to even hit the 50% mark. That's dead even.
According to this poll, J.D. Hayworth received only 28% to the Gov's 54% when paired up. Former Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley received 25% to Janet's 50% and, unfortunately, Former Governor Fife Symington received only 14% when matched up against Napolitano's 70%.
The fortunate thing is that we know that this poll simply cannot be true. J.D. Hayworth is one of the most beloved men in our state. I wouldn't go as far as to say that he's as loved as former Senator and Presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater, but I can see that it could reach that level. (Please see former post: Does Anyone Want to Run for Governor of AZ in '06, to read more about JD). So with keeping that hope in mind, these numbers are obviously incorrect.
Now getting back to reality. The problem with Fife Symington, and the reason that his chances are slim is not because he is a bad person, or a "crook" as I have heard recently. It's that most people that live in Arizona, did not live here during his full administration. They did not see the good that he did. Let's remind these newbies to Arizona of tax reductions, income growth and capital investments that he implemented as our 19th Governor. He was convicted on charges that had nothing to do with his policies. AND, lets not forget that he later was exonerated of all charges.
With that being said...We need to get down to business. One year is not far away. We are in trouble, and the Democrats know it.
Please sign up at as a volunteer, as a Team Leader, or join your local Young Republicans League. To find out more visit AND FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, MAKE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE!!
Monday, February 21, 2005
"If I had to do it over, I wouldn't do it at all..."I didn't do it for money, I did it for History."
-Doug Wead, author of The Raising of a President on Good Morning America
Side Note: If you didn't do it for money, why are you selling the book that was written based on those tapes? Is all of the profit going to homeless shelters, halfway houses and pregnancy centers?
...I didn't think so...
You wrote a book about our President, based on tapes from a private conversation. Now you are hawking your book on National Television, and letting all of America hear these tapes. And you say it isn't for money, and you wouldn't do it again?
Gee, why don't I believe you??
-Doug Wead, author of The Raising of a President on Good Morning America
Side Note: If you didn't do it for money, why are you selling the book that was written based on those tapes? Is all of the profit going to homeless shelters, halfway houses and pregnancy centers?
...I didn't think so...
You wrote a book about our President, based on tapes from a private conversation. Now you are hawking your book on National Television, and letting all of America hear these tapes. And you say it isn't for money, and you wouldn't do it again?
Gee, why don't I believe you??
Two Halves Don't Make a Whole
Trying to sort through the madness of life and relationships is never fun. Especially when you know that you have a lot of garbage to sort through.
I have a past like no one else. Not to say that yours isn't as interesting, or wasn't as difficult. Mine was just different.
I moved to D.C. to run from my past. I wanted to prove to all of the nay-sayers that I was more than the little girl that grew up in foster homes. I was more than the girl that could barely look anyone in the eyes because of her shame. I was more than the girl that was beaten and abused daily. I wanted to prove that I was not a statistic, not in the way that you usually hear of kids like me, anyway.
I wanted to show that I had potential. That I could dream big dreams and make big things happen. So, I moved. And then I moved again. And again. Now, I am thinking of moving again.
For people like me, there is a sense of safety in moving around. No one knows you. You never have to overcome your past, because with these new people, you have no past, as far as they are concerned. I was always the new kid when I was younger, so to me, it seems right. Roots only let people see you for who you really are.
The problem with good friends are that they seem to remind you of your past. I don't mean this in a negative way. They do it to help us. They want us to better ourselves and make wiser decisions than we have in the past.
Well, I made a wise decision. I am starting to dig through my 'closet,' if you will, of past relationships. I am dissecting each one, trying to find out why I am a serial dater. What is it about me that needs to have someone so close?
I've figured out a few things. One of these things is that its all an illusion. These people are never really close to me. I let them in, but not very far. They think that they are in, but just as soon as they think that, they are gone. Out of my life. Next time you see me with friends, or even a boyfriend, look closely. Everything about me is uncomfortable. I am so insecure that for people to know who I really am is impossible, for I don't even know who I am.
The second thing I've learned is that because of my insecurities I have a habit of picking men that make me feel good about myself. It doesn't matter how old or young. How smart or unintelligent they seem to be. Good looking or old & unattractive. It doesn't matter to me. These men are here, by my side simply to serve one purpose: To Worship Me.
I am not into idol worship or anything weird like that. I mean that these guys are the ones who have to continuously tell me how wonderful, beautiful, funny and smart I am. This is because I know that I am, but at the same time, I don't fully believe it. I want to, but I still hear that voice deep down inside, the one that says, "You'll never be anything. You can't make it. You are a screw up. You are ugly. You are stupid." If I have someone around whose voice is louder and more frequent than the one in my head, sometimes I think that it will all go away.
Most of the time though, these guys have their own issues. How can I be broken and need healing, and yet expect someone else to fix me? Healing comes from down deep inside. From God, from His strength.
So, my advice to myself, and to others like me, Stop looking towards someone else who's broken to fix you. Two halves don't always make a whole. At least not with people.
I have a past like no one else. Not to say that yours isn't as interesting, or wasn't as difficult. Mine was just different.
I moved to D.C. to run from my past. I wanted to prove to all of the nay-sayers that I was more than the little girl that grew up in foster homes. I was more than the girl that could barely look anyone in the eyes because of her shame. I was more than the girl that was beaten and abused daily. I wanted to prove that I was not a statistic, not in the way that you usually hear of kids like me, anyway.
I wanted to show that I had potential. That I could dream big dreams and make big things happen. So, I moved. And then I moved again. And again. Now, I am thinking of moving again.
For people like me, there is a sense of safety in moving around. No one knows you. You never have to overcome your past, because with these new people, you have no past, as far as they are concerned. I was always the new kid when I was younger, so to me, it seems right. Roots only let people see you for who you really are.
The problem with good friends are that they seem to remind you of your past. I don't mean this in a negative way. They do it to help us. They want us to better ourselves and make wiser decisions than we have in the past.
Well, I made a wise decision. I am starting to dig through my 'closet,' if you will, of past relationships. I am dissecting each one, trying to find out why I am a serial dater. What is it about me that needs to have someone so close?
I've figured out a few things. One of these things is that its all an illusion. These people are never really close to me. I let them in, but not very far. They think that they are in, but just as soon as they think that, they are gone. Out of my life. Next time you see me with friends, or even a boyfriend, look closely. Everything about me is uncomfortable. I am so insecure that for people to know who I really am is impossible, for I don't even know who I am.
The second thing I've learned is that because of my insecurities I have a habit of picking men that make me feel good about myself. It doesn't matter how old or young. How smart or unintelligent they seem to be. Good looking or old & unattractive. It doesn't matter to me. These men are here, by my side simply to serve one purpose: To Worship Me.
I am not into idol worship or anything weird like that. I mean that these guys are the ones who have to continuously tell me how wonderful, beautiful, funny and smart I am. This is because I know that I am, but at the same time, I don't fully believe it. I want to, but I still hear that voice deep down inside, the one that says, "You'll never be anything. You can't make it. You are a screw up. You are ugly. You are stupid." If I have someone around whose voice is louder and more frequent than the one in my head, sometimes I think that it will all go away.
Most of the time though, these guys have their own issues. How can I be broken and need healing, and yet expect someone else to fix me? Healing comes from down deep inside. From God, from His strength.
So, my advice to myself, and to others like me, Stop looking towards someone else who's broken to fix you. Two halves don't always make a whole. At least not with people.
To Love What You Do & Feel That it Matters...
Katharine Graham from the Washington Post once said, "To love what you do and feel that it matters, how can anything be more fun?"
I think this statement is 100% true. At least for me. I have been struggling because I have been working two very unimportant jobs lately, and I am quite bored. This makes me want to slit my wrists or jump off the side of the building, just for kicks.
Its not to say that working for a water company isn't important- I mean, If I didn't have hot water in my house, someone would die. And If I was getting married, then perhaps I would find more significance in someone that was a wedding consultant, but alas, I just don't care.
Last week at our young adults group the Pastor was talking about how we spend our time. Do we use our time wisely? How we spend our time is a reflection of our life...I soon thereafter tuned out of the discussion and started to think...
If there is someone who spends even 40 hours a week working a job that they hate, then I agree that they are not spending their time wisely. If there is someone who is working 120 hours a week (as I did) doing something that they love, and are called to do, why is that a waste? I believe wholeheartedly that when you are hard wired to do something, and you are good at it, and it is what you love to do, then why is that a crime? Working in politics, I was always happy to get up and go to work, I almost never left my office. I slept only a few short hours a night and was lucky to have a few days off in the four and half months I officially worked for the campaign. Is that a crime? Did I waste my time?
I don't think so. January 20th told me that it was well worth my time. If you are doing what God has called you to do and glorifying Him for the opportunity to be able to do it, then I think you are right on track.
I only hope that I am blessed enough to be able to do what I love again...
I think this statement is 100% true. At least for me. I have been struggling because I have been working two very unimportant jobs lately, and I am quite bored. This makes me want to slit my wrists or jump off the side of the building, just for kicks.
Its not to say that working for a water company isn't important- I mean, If I didn't have hot water in my house, someone would die. And If I was getting married, then perhaps I would find more significance in someone that was a wedding consultant, but alas, I just don't care.
Last week at our young adults group the Pastor was talking about how we spend our time. Do we use our time wisely? How we spend our time is a reflection of our life...I soon thereafter tuned out of the discussion and started to think...
If there is someone who spends even 40 hours a week working a job that they hate, then I agree that they are not spending their time wisely. If there is someone who is working 120 hours a week (as I did) doing something that they love, and are called to do, why is that a waste? I believe wholeheartedly that when you are hard wired to do something, and you are good at it, and it is what you love to do, then why is that a crime? Working in politics, I was always happy to get up and go to work, I almost never left my office. I slept only a few short hours a night and was lucky to have a few days off in the four and half months I officially worked for the campaign. Is that a crime? Did I waste my time?
I don't think so. January 20th told me that it was well worth my time. If you are doing what God has called you to do and glorifying Him for the opportunity to be able to do it, then I think you are right on track.
I only hope that I am blessed enough to be able to do what I love again...
Changing Their Tune
Sorry I'm posting this a bit later than I had hoped to, but this will be in reference to a NY Times article published on Feb. 16, 2005. Please feel free to read the article & drop me a line with your input. "For Democrats, Rethinking Abortion Runs Risks" (The link wouldn't post here, sorry!)
Okay so it's happening. We all knew that this day would come...
The Democrats have lost control of the nation, and of their party. They are being viewed as out of sink with the country and their constituents. People no longer want to associate with their leftist thinking. So, what do they do? First of all, they elect Howard Dean as their chairman... By any normal standards, this would seem odd. This guy didn't get the nomination for President because he was so far gone, now they want him to run their party?
Richard Perle made a great point this weekend at Pacific U when stating, "How appropriate that the Democrats elect a physician as the leader of the Democratic Party. They need one."
Anyway, I digress. Back to my original point.
The NY Times wrote that several leaders at the DNC and in Congress are encouraging a more moderate view on abortion and women's health issues. NARAL is publishing an ad in the conservative "Weekly Standard" magazine asking for help in reducing abortions, by providing more birth control options.
Hillary Rodham-Clinton (who coincedentally has voted 100% of the time AGAINST anything remotely related to Right to Life) and Chairman Dean suggest that they "recalibrate the party's thinking on new restrictions on abortions." And even Minority Leader Harry Reid votes pro-life 80% of the time (for a Mormon, I would think it should be 100%). I found it to be interesting that there are several staunchly pro-death candidates, including Sen. Chuck Schumer (his voting record also states a 100% opposition to Right to Life issues), that are actually RECRUITING pro-life democrats. (Bob Casey, Jr. To oppose Rick Santorum). Coincidentally, Jr.'s father faced opposition from the Dem's in '92 when he could not speak at the convention because of his pro-life stance. (Thanks, Bill & Hill.)
The upside for the Dems is that they regain part of their base, which is the staunchly pro-life, yet very Catholic community, which tends to lean towards the Democratic Party on most other issues. For many pro-lifers, it is that one issue that sways their vote. Especially when you stand with the Pope. The Pope has condemned war. George W. Went to war and many Catholics did not want to vote for him, but the issue more near and dear to their heart: Sanctity of Human Life. It is because of the conservative vote that we as Republicans are in power in Washington, and on the home front.
Once the DNC even opens up to the idea of changing their party platform, or taking an easier view on abortion they will re-gain many of their faithful. I believe that the Catholic church will begin to support more candidates, as best they can as a 501(c)3, anyway.
This is where the downside for the Republicans comes into play. I believe that we need to continue to prove that Hillary is becoming a softy for reasons that will be layed out over the next three and a half years. How can a woman that promised us 2,000 abortion clinics by the year 2000 all of the sudden believe that abortion is not the answer? How can someone who continues to praise Planned Parenthood, claim to be moderate on the life issue?
2008 is not far off. It is time that the Republicans kick it into high gear. Conservative values are the values of the Republican ticket and we need to make sure that we keep our focus. We cannot afford to have the nation sway towards an iffy candidate, especially one who's word means nothing at best, especially when we've come this far.
Okay so it's happening. We all knew that this day would come...
The Democrats have lost control of the nation, and of their party. They are being viewed as out of sink with the country and their constituents. People no longer want to associate with their leftist thinking. So, what do they do? First of all, they elect Howard Dean as their chairman... By any normal standards, this would seem odd. This guy didn't get the nomination for President because he was so far gone, now they want him to run their party?
Richard Perle made a great point this weekend at Pacific U when stating, "How appropriate that the Democrats elect a physician as the leader of the Democratic Party. They need one."
Anyway, I digress. Back to my original point.
The NY Times wrote that several leaders at the DNC and in Congress are encouraging a more moderate view on abortion and women's health issues. NARAL is publishing an ad in the conservative "Weekly Standard" magazine asking for help in reducing abortions, by providing more birth control options.
Hillary Rodham-Clinton (who coincedentally has voted 100% of the time AGAINST anything remotely related to Right to Life) and Chairman Dean suggest that they "recalibrate the party's thinking on new restrictions on abortions." And even Minority Leader Harry Reid votes pro-life 80% of the time (for a Mormon, I would think it should be 100%). I found it to be interesting that there are several staunchly pro-death candidates, including Sen. Chuck Schumer (his voting record also states a 100% opposition to Right to Life issues), that are actually RECRUITING pro-life democrats. (Bob Casey, Jr. To oppose Rick Santorum). Coincidentally, Jr.'s father faced opposition from the Dem's in '92 when he could not speak at the convention because of his pro-life stance. (Thanks, Bill & Hill.)
The upside for the Dems is that they regain part of their base, which is the staunchly pro-life, yet very Catholic community, which tends to lean towards the Democratic Party on most other issues. For many pro-lifers, it is that one issue that sways their vote. Especially when you stand with the Pope. The Pope has condemned war. George W. Went to war and many Catholics did not want to vote for him, but the issue more near and dear to their heart: Sanctity of Human Life. It is because of the conservative vote that we as Republicans are in power in Washington, and on the home front.
Once the DNC even opens up to the idea of changing their party platform, or taking an easier view on abortion they will re-gain many of their faithful. I believe that the Catholic church will begin to support more candidates, as best they can as a 501(c)3, anyway.
This is where the downside for the Republicans comes into play. I believe that we need to continue to prove that Hillary is becoming a softy for reasons that will be layed out over the next three and a half years. How can a woman that promised us 2,000 abortion clinics by the year 2000 all of the sudden believe that abortion is not the answer? How can someone who continues to praise Planned Parenthood, claim to be moderate on the life issue?
2008 is not far off. It is time that the Republicans kick it into high gear. Conservative values are the values of the Republican ticket and we need to make sure that we keep our focus. We cannot afford to have the nation sway towards an iffy candidate, especially one who's word means nothing at best, especially when we've come this far.
Friday, February 18, 2005
Where Do You Draw the Line?
I was watching one of my favorite shows last night, Will & Grace. I know, I shouldn't love it, but I do. It's funny. Or, should I say, it used to be funny?
I've found it to be unamuzing at some points. Where do I, as a Christian and a Republican draw the line? I refuse to be one of those people who boycotts EVERYTHING under the sun. I know that some things will be offensive to me and my beliefs. I know that there are people who don't agree with me. I do agree in Freedom of Speech. Here is where my issue lies.
How is it that shows like "Will and Grace" can bash our President left and right, but we cannot stand up for ourselves in the Media without being made out to look like a bunch of crazies?
Several episodes of that show have made our President out to look like a dimwhit, and to trash Republicans. I recall once even hearing Will say something about a client being a large donor to the Republican National Committee and the grandfather of five, so how could Jack act so gay in front of him? You know what? Just because we give money to the RNC, that doesn't mean that we are HOMOPHOBIC!!!
I actually have homosexual friends. I go dancing & shopping with them. I have fun. Do I support their lifestyle? NO, absolutely not. Do they know it? YES. We just agree to disagree and move on.
Being Republican doesn't make me a freak. Being a Christian doesn't make me weird. I believe in the principles that this Nation was founded on. You don't? Okay, that's what the first amendment is about. You have the right to go on TV and say you are homosexual and you hate my President and my Lord. I have the right to tell you to stick it where the sun don't shine.
Stop telling me that FOX NEWS is biased. But then, if you line up with CNN's views why would you want anyone to hear anything else but lies?
I am tired of people making fun of good people like Dr. James Dobson for his beliefs. I am tired of people bashing God on TV and Republicans and their policy in the news.
I don't want to be one of those people that sits in my house without a TV, never going to a movie, for fear that I will be offended. I refuse to live my life in a cave. However, I refuse to sit quietly and take crap from people out of the mainstream any longer.
I've found it to be unamuzing at some points. Where do I, as a Christian and a Republican draw the line? I refuse to be one of those people who boycotts EVERYTHING under the sun. I know that some things will be offensive to me and my beliefs. I know that there are people who don't agree with me. I do agree in Freedom of Speech. Here is where my issue lies.
How is it that shows like "Will and Grace" can bash our President left and right, but we cannot stand up for ourselves in the Media without being made out to look like a bunch of crazies?
Several episodes of that show have made our President out to look like a dimwhit, and to trash Republicans. I recall once even hearing Will say something about a client being a large donor to the Republican National Committee and the grandfather of five, so how could Jack act so gay in front of him? You know what? Just because we give money to the RNC, that doesn't mean that we are HOMOPHOBIC!!!
I actually have homosexual friends. I go dancing & shopping with them. I have fun. Do I support their lifestyle? NO, absolutely not. Do they know it? YES. We just agree to disagree and move on.
Being Republican doesn't make me a freak. Being a Christian doesn't make me weird. I believe in the principles that this Nation was founded on. You don't? Okay, that's what the first amendment is about. You have the right to go on TV and say you are homosexual and you hate my President and my Lord. I have the right to tell you to stick it where the sun don't shine.
Stop telling me that FOX NEWS is biased. But then, if you line up with CNN's views why would you want anyone to hear anything else but lies?
I am tired of people making fun of good people like Dr. James Dobson for his beliefs. I am tired of people bashing God on TV and Republicans and their policy in the news.
I don't want to be one of those people that sits in my house without a TV, never going to a movie, for fear that I will be offended. I refuse to live my life in a cave. However, I refuse to sit quietly and take crap from people out of the mainstream any longer.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Washing My Mouth Out with Soap
I am so bored at work that I am sitting here biting off my acrylic nails for something to do. Word to the wise...Make sure there isn't soap under your nails if you ever decide to do this. GROSS!
Monday, February 14, 2005
Anyone Want to Run for Governor of AZ in '06?
There was a rumor that was circulating for a while that Congressman J.D. Hayworth (Rep. AZ-5th Dist.) was going to run for Governor in 2006. I am sad to say that the rumor has come to a halt. It's not completely a bad thing. JD has been climbing the ranks in leadership in Congress, which is definitely not a lost cause. We need more congressman that have their act together. He knows the issues and he's great at what he does. JD is one of the few congressman I've met that actually makes an attempt to make you feel like you aren't just one of the thousands, but just one of his friends. He is always welcoming and friendly.
I guess where I am going with all of this is that I am worried about the state of my state.
Without a candidate with JD's caliber, do the Republican's have a chance to reclaim the Gubernatorial office? Republicans hold the majority in the state legislature and at the Federal level, but without a governor that will sign our bills into law, we are spinning our wheels on many issues.
Janet Napolitano has gained notoriety throughout the country with other Dems for her work. She has played her last three years very smartly. Sure, she has ticked off the Republican's, but that's to be expected. What she hasn't done is make the moderates or the lefties mad. Without a truly conservative candidate, as in socially conservative, we cannot expect to take back the 9th floor of the capitol. We need someone that will rally the conservative base and make them get out and vote. I fear that we do not have this.
Even with a socially conservative candidate in 2002 we lost the Gubernatorial race. Which leads me to ask this one important question:
Do the social conservatives only vote during Presidential Election years? The conservative base turned the 2004 election around completely. We are a force to be reckoned with and everyone knows it. Do we have a chance of winning without the conservative vote? I know we lost the election in '02 because so many social conservatives did not show up at the polls.
Why is this? People need to understand that politics begin at home. If we don't control our local ground, if we don't speak our minds there, why should we expect to make a difference nationally? It is time for everyone to step up to the plate. Stop thinking that your vote only matters once every four years.
I guess where I am going with all of this is that I am worried about the state of my state.
Without a candidate with JD's caliber, do the Republican's have a chance to reclaim the Gubernatorial office? Republicans hold the majority in the state legislature and at the Federal level, but without a governor that will sign our bills into law, we are spinning our wheels on many issues.
Janet Napolitano has gained notoriety throughout the country with other Dems for her work. She has played her last three years very smartly. Sure, she has ticked off the Republican's, but that's to be expected. What she hasn't done is make the moderates or the lefties mad. Without a truly conservative candidate, as in socially conservative, we cannot expect to take back the 9th floor of the capitol. We need someone that will rally the conservative base and make them get out and vote. I fear that we do not have this.
Even with a socially conservative candidate in 2002 we lost the Gubernatorial race. Which leads me to ask this one important question:
Do the social conservatives only vote during Presidential Election years? The conservative base turned the 2004 election around completely. We are a force to be reckoned with and everyone knows it. Do we have a chance of winning without the conservative vote? I know we lost the election in '02 because so many social conservatives did not show up at the polls.
Why is this? People need to understand that politics begin at home. If we don't control our local ground, if we don't speak our minds there, why should we expect to make a difference nationally? It is time for everyone to step up to the plate. Stop thinking that your vote only matters once every four years.
Friday, February 04, 2005
Passing the Time
Okay, so I know that it has been weeks since my last post, so here I am, making a short, yet sweet appearance.
I am working as a Wedding Consultant at David's Bridal in Paradise Valley (and hating the irony that I, the single woman, am helping women get married everyday.) I am looking for something political- so hopefully soon something will come around.
I am back at church and so glad to be home.
Sorry that this is so short. I will pontificate more when I have the time, as so much is going on with the new administration. (AND HOW GREAT WAS THE STATE OF THE UNION THE OTHER NIGHT?!?!)
Love you all. Be safe and well.
I will write soon. I promise.
Okay, so I know that it has been weeks since my last post, so here I am, making a short, yet sweet appearance.
I am working as a Wedding Consultant at David's Bridal in Paradise Valley (and hating the irony that I, the single woman, am helping women get married everyday.) I am looking for something political- so hopefully soon something will come around.
I am back at church and so glad to be home.
Sorry that this is so short. I will pontificate more when I have the time, as so much is going on with the new administration. (AND HOW GREAT WAS THE STATE OF THE UNION THE OTHER NIGHT?!?!)
Love you all. Be safe and well.
I will write soon. I promise.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Home, Sweet Home
Its a new season, its a new day. At least thats the way the song goes, and I believe it.
I have moved home, and let me tell you the relief I felt as the plane lifted off of the ground at DCA. Whew. It was like I could finally breath again.
I am working as a wedding consultant. Not exactly the job I've always had in mind, but hey, everything happens for a reason. I met a Congressman's daughter this morning at my shop. Like I said everything happens for a reason. (I also think I placed the wrong order, I am going to get fired!) I am looking for my "real" job right now, this is sort of a filler for the time being. But I know that my friends also accept me for me, and NOT for the title that is behind my name, so its nice to be home and to know that even if I do have to work this job for the rest of my life, it will be okay.
Anyway. Life is a journey, and I am hoping that mine will be memorable and rewarding. God will lead me to where I am supposed to be. Right now though, I am just along for the ride.
PS- I have limited access to the net right now, so bear with me as I might not be posting as often as I normally do (hence the long absence leading up to this post!)
I have moved home, and let me tell you the relief I felt as the plane lifted off of the ground at DCA. Whew. It was like I could finally breath again.
I am working as a wedding consultant. Not exactly the job I've always had in mind, but hey, everything happens for a reason. I met a Congressman's daughter this morning at my shop. Like I said everything happens for a reason. (I also think I placed the wrong order, I am going to get fired!) I am looking for my "real" job right now, this is sort of a filler for the time being. But I know that my friends also accept me for me, and NOT for the title that is behind my name, so its nice to be home and to know that even if I do have to work this job for the rest of my life, it will be okay.
Anyway. Life is a journey, and I am hoping that mine will be memorable and rewarding. God will lead me to where I am supposed to be. Right now though, I am just along for the ride.
PS- I have limited access to the net right now, so bear with me as I might not be posting as often as I normally do (hence the long absence leading up to this post!)
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